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Mircea Fechet continuă restructurărie la Romsilva. Ministrul Mediului a trimis Corpul de control

Ministrul Mediului, Apelor şi Pădurilor, Mircea Fechet, anunţă că a trimis Corpul de control al sediul central al Romsilva, pentru a avea „o imagine şi mai clară, negru pe alb”, a modului în care a fost administrată Regia, „cel puţin în ultimii cinci ani”.

Mircea Fechet, Romania's Minister of the Environment, Waters, and Forests, has continued restructuring Romsilva, the state forest administration. He has sent a Control Unit to Romsilva's central office to assess its management over the past five years, aiming for transparency in fund allocation, particularly for forest regeneration and infrastructure. Fechet emphasized the need for clarity on Romsilva's financial state. A new Administrative Council will be selected based on 48 performance indicators, focusing on enhancing efficiency and meeting specific objectives. The restructuring aims to improve Romsilva's operations without disrupting forestry activities.

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