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Norwegen: Isar Aerospace darf Testflug der ersten Trägerrakete in Europa durchführen

Wegen langjähriger Probleme der »Ariane«-Raketen lahmt Europa bei der Beförderung von Satelliten ins Weltall. In diese Lücke will ein bayerisches Start-up stoßen – und könnte gleich zwei Premieren feiern.

Isar Aerospace, a German start-up, received approval from the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority to launch its first test rocket, "Spectrum," from the Andøya Spaceport in Norway. This marks the first orbital rocket launch from continental Europe and aims to provide independent space access for Europe, addressing existing issues with the "Ariane" rockets. The test flight's primary goal is data collection and experience gathering. Isar Aerospace envisions building up to 40 rockets per year in the future.

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