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Noul trend: toată familia în Parlament. Primul „divorț” politic, în partidul care a promovat din greu nepotismul

Legislatura 2024-2028 are cele mai multe situații în care în Parlament găsim cupluri de soț-soție la Camera Deputaților, iar numărul acestora ar fi putut fi și mai mare. Nepotismul nu a lovit doar POT, ci și AUR sau PSD. POT, exemplul cel mai elocvent Partidul Oamenilor Tineri, despre care Libertatea a mai scris pe tema […]

The text discusses the trend of nepotism in Romania's Parliament, highlighting cases where family members or couples from the same political party are elected. It focuses on the Party of Young People (POT), where leader Anamaria Gavrilă brought her sister and partner into Parliament. Other couples, such as Radu and Monica Ionescu, were excluded due to internal conflicts. The Alliance for the Unity of Romanians (AUR) also saw a couple, Mihai and Diana Enache, elected, while former member Antonio Andruscaș was expelled amid nepotism accusations. The Social Democratic Party (PSD) is mentioned for the relationship between Marian Neacșu and Silvia Mihalcea. The text notes that this practice is not exclusive to these parties and is a notable feature of the 2024-2028 legislature.

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