Sorin Chiriac, 40 de ani, mental coach profesionist acreditat de International Coaching Federation, a fost invitatul zilei la GSP Live # Chiriac, cu o experiență de 18 ani ca jurnalist, vorbește aplicat, cu exemple despre activitatea lui, îi răspunde lui Mihai Stoica și susține că Dan Petrescu și Gică Hagi nu acceptă ca fotbaliștii lor să lucreze cu un mental coach. ...
Sorin Chiriac, a 40-year-old former sports journalist, has transitioned into becoming a certified mental coach, a role that focuses on enhancing athletes' mental performance through stress management, self-confidence, and goal achievement. Working with football players, juniors, and referees, Chiriac faces resistance from notable Romanian figures like Dan Petrescu and Gică Hagi, who oppose the use of mental coaches. Despite this, Chiriac continues to advocate for the importance of his work in the sports community.