La iniciativa propone modificar artículos del Decreto Legislativo N° 1106, que se refiere a la lucha eficaz contra el lavado de activos y otros delitos relacionados a la minería ilegal y crimen organizado. Especialistas advierten que la iniciativa es peligrosa.
A Congressional initiative, proposed by Waldemar Cerrón, seeks to modify Decree Legislative N° 1106, which combats money laundering and crimes related to illegal mining. Specialists warn that the initiative is dangerous and would benefit illegal mining by requiring proof that individuals knew the illicit origin of funds or goods involved in related crimes. The initiative would also establish new rules for investigations of money laundering, requiring prosecutors to provide "evidence of illicit activities" before requesting the lifting of banking, tax, and stock market secrecy, and communication secrecy. Critics like environmental lawyers César Ipenza and Iván Arenas, and penalist Luis Vargas Valdivia, consider the proposal dangerous and believe it will complicate investigations and allow criminals to operate with impunity. Cerrón himself is under investigation for alleged money laundering.