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Nur ein „teures Symbol“?: Wie Fluchtministerin Paul ihren fast leeren Abschiebeflug rechtfertigt

Es gibt eine Reihe offener Fragen zum jüngsten Abschiebeflug aus NRW nach Bulgarien. Die Bilanz – sieben Geflohene an Bord eines großen Flugzeugs – sorgt für Häme und harte Vorwürfe. Was die zuständige Ministerin dazu zu sagen hat.

A nearly empty charter flight from North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) to Bulgaria, intended for deporting refugees, has sparked criticism over its cost and effectiveness. Fluchtministerin Josefine Paul defended the action as a necessary step, citing BAMF guidelines that limit deportations to ten people per flight. Critics, including the AfD, argue the flight was a costly symbolic gesture, timed politically ahead of federal elections, and fails to address broader migration challenges. The NRW government's spending of nearly 1.5 million euros on international trips further highlights concerns about the flight's justification.

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