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Șoșoacă, după demersul IICMER: Sunt mai proști ca noaptea, voi pronunța zilnic numele lui Ceaușescu

Vă anunț că din acest moment voi pronunța numele lui Nicolae Ceaușescu în fiecare zi, spune Diana Șoșoacă, după ce a fost reclamată de IICMER la Parchetul General pentru că l-a elogiat pe Ceaușescu. Ea afirmă că are imunitate.

Diana Șoșoacă, a Romanian politician, has been prosecuted by the IICMER for praising Nicolae Ceaușescu, the former dictator, during a parliamentary session. She claims Ceaușescu was a significant foreign policy leader, citing his role in bringing Israel and Palestine together. In response, Șoșoacă vows to mention Ceaușescu's name daily. She criticizes the IICMER as unnecessary and linked to the secret police, and mentions facing 96 legal cases, comparing this to another politician with over 100 cases. She views the IICMER's actions as a threat aimed at intimidating her into abandoning her motion to censure the EU Commission President and her presidential candidacy.

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