- Priznajem da je bilo trenera koji su me nadigrali, nadmudrili. Jedan je bio trener norveškog Runara, drugi trener njemačkog Magdeburga. Oni su mi održali rukometnu lekciju. Spreman sam da mi se to više ne dogodi. Imam četiri svoja mentora s kojima radim na tome da budem što bolji - rekao nam je bivši izbornik naše rukometne reprezentacije.
An article on Vecernji.hr quotes the former coach of the Croatian national handball team, Željko Babić, who returned to Croatian handball after a long absence. He admits to being outcoached by Runar's and Magdeburg's trainers, and mentions having mentors to improve. Babić previously worked as an assistant coach for Slavko Goluža in Zagreb and coached in various other clubs.