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Planuri de repornire a gazoductului rusesc Nord Stream 2. Legtura cu negocierile de pace în războiul din Ucraina

Matthias Warnig, fostul director general al companiei elvețiene Nord Stream 2 AG și un apropiat al lui Vladimir Putin, a elaborat un plan de repornire a gazoductului rusesc Nord Stream 2.

Matthias Warnig, a close associate of Vladimir Putin, has reportedly devised a plan to restart the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline with the support of American investors, linking the initiative to ongoing peace negotiations in Ukraine. According to the Financial Times, Warnig initiated discussions to mediate an end to the war while also strengthening US-Russia economic ties. The plan involves a consortium of US-led investors proposing a post-sanctions framework, though significant obstacles remain, including existing sanctions, European company involvements, and the need for US, Russian, and German cooperation. The pipeline's ownership structure and unresolved sanctions complicate potential restart efforts.

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