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POT începe procedura de revocare a lui Ilie Bolojan: „E un pericol de securitate“

POT anunţă luni că începe procedura de revocare a lui Ilie Bolojan din funcţia de preşedinte al Senatului şi implicit de preşedinte interimar al României, acuzând că Ilie Bolojan a devenit ”un pericol de securitate naţională”.

The Partidul Oamenilor Tineri (POT) has initiated a procedure to recall Ilie Bolojan from his position as President of the Senate and interim President of Romania, accusing him of becoming a "national security threat." POT argues that Bolojan has exceeded his interim presidential powers and made undemocratic decisions without public support. Specifically, they claim he has bypassed the U.S. administration in military decisions and refused to revoke Ambassador Andrei Muraru, who allegedly drew Romania into external conflicts. POT also cites Bolojan's attempt to block the suspension of Klaus Werner Iohannis and his failure to explain the annulment of the presidential elections as further grounds for recall. The recall process requires the support of at least one-third of senators or a majority vote in the Senate.

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