Retiros AFP y CTS en el 2025: ¿Qué dijo el presidente de la Comisión de Economía del Congreso sobre posibles desembolsos? El presidente de la Comisión de Economía, Ilich López, junto con representantes del Poder Ejecutivo y el sector privado, evaluó los efectos de la propuesta para un eventual retiro de fondos de la AFP y la CTS.
The Congressional Economic Commission, led by Ilich López, along with representatives from the Executive Branch and the private sector, evaluated the potential effects of allowing further withdrawals from AFP (private pension funds) and CTS (severance pay) accounts in 2025. While several bills propose these withdrawals, López expressed concern about protecting pension savings for the future. The Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP) warned of negative impacts on savings, fund profitability, and the country's credit rating, while the Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL) and others emphasized the original purpose of CTS as a safety net for unemployment.