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Reuters: Tăierile bugetare în România alimentează extremiștii înaintea alegerilor

Reducerea cheltuielilor guvernamentale pentru a controla deficitul bugetar al României ar putea spori susținerea pentru candidatul de extremă dreapta, pro-Moscova, la alegerile prezidențiale din mai, potrivit Reuters.

Reuters reports that budget cuts in Romania, aimed at controlling the budget deficit, have sparked dissatisfaction among public sector employees, leading to strikes and wage freezes. These measures are seen as benefiting a far-right, pro-Moscow candidate ahead of the presidential election. The government's austerity plan, which includes reducing public sector wages and pensions, has drawn criticism, with employees describing the cuts as unjust. The article also highlights investor optimism due to the arrest of a former prime minister, leading to lower borrowing costs for Romania. However, concerns about a potential credit rating downgrade and the broader economic impact of the austerity measures persist.

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