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Sambia: Fluss im Kupfergürtel »stirbt« über Nacht wegen Säureabfalls aus chinesischer Mine

Tote Fische, zerstörte Ernten, verseuchtes Wasser: In Sambia ist der Damm einer Kupfermine gebrochen, und eine säurehaltige Flut ist in den Mwambashi gelangt. Umweltschützer warnen nun vor katastrophalen Folgen.

A dam burst at a Chinese-owned copper mine in Zambia on February 18th, releasing approximately 50 million liters of acidic waste containing heavy metals into the Mwambashi River, a tributary of the vital Kafue River. This caused a major environmental disaster, killing fish, destroying crops, and contaminating water sources, potentially affecting millions who rely on the Kafue for drinking water, agriculture, and industry, including the water supply to Kitwe and possibly Lusaka. The incident has raised concerns about environmental regulations and the impact of Chinese-operated mines in the region.

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