Der psychologische Gutachter berichtete am vierten Verhandlungstag am Landgericht Köln aus dem Leben des 62-jährigen Remscheiders, der zwischen 1997 und 2001 in Hückeswagen seinen damals minderjährigen Sohn mehrfach sexuell missbraucht haben soll.
A 62-year-old man from Remscheid is on trial at the Cologne Regional Court, accused of sexually abusing his then-minor son 14 times in Hückeswagen between 1997 and 2001. On the fourth day of the trial, a psychologist testified about the son's therapy sessions in 2020, where he expressed concerns about potential abuse of his sister's children and mentioned being a victim himself. A psychiatrist discussed the defendant's biography, noting his current severe depression developed after the accusations surfaced in 2020, while depicting a close and active family system before that point.