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Soldații Phenianului, păcăliți pentru a lupta pe frontul din Kursk. Ce spun militarii luați prizonieri de armata ucraineană

Serviciile de securitate nord-coreene le-au spus trupelor lor staționate în regiunea Kursk din Rusia că luptă atât împotriva armatei ucrainene, cât și împotriva celei sud-coreene, a relatat publicația sud-coreeană The Chosun Daily, citând soldați nord-coreeni…

North Korean soldiers were reportedly deceived into believing they were fighting against South Korean forces, which boosted their morale. Deployed to the Kursk region to support Russian forces during Ukraine's incursion in August 2024, the North Koreans were misled about their adversaries, with some believing Ukrainian drone operators were South Korean. Two captured North Korean soldiers revealed that their units were monitored by state security officials and received misinformation about their enemies. One soldier, a reconnaissance specialist, noted limited interaction between North Korean and Russian troops, with coordination occurring only at the command level for logistical purposes. North Korean casualties reportedly reached around 4,000, with most deaths attributed to their lack of combat experience and reliance on outdated tactics like human wave attacks. Ukrainian forces initially captured significant territory but were pushed back by Russian counterattacks, though they recently claimed minor territorial gains.

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