Das Image von Tesla ist wegen der politischen Aktivitäten von Konzernchef Elon Musk in vielen Ländern mies. Das schlägt sich offenbar auch in den Verkaufszahlen nieder, in Europa sank der Absatz zuletzt um fast die Hälfte.
Tesla's European sales have decreased by almost half since the start of the year, attributed to the "Elon-Effekt" and Musk's political activities impacting the company's image. In the EU, new registrations fell by 49% in January and February 2025, resulting in a market share of approximately 1.1%. In Germany, new registrations plummeted by 76% in February, while overall electric car registrations increased. Some companies have stopped using Tesla as a company car supplier due to Musk's association with right-wing extremists, and similar trends are occurring in China.