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This street art on rubble in Toronto is actually a very clever piece of marketing

A piece of street art that's gained a number of Toronto residents' attention over the past few months is, as it turns out, not a piece of street art after all, and is actually connected to a significant redevelopment in the area.If you've found yourself traveling westbound along Queens Quay at any point in the past few months, you may have found yourself greeted by a familiar — though wholly unexpected — face.Emblazoned proudly across one of the last remaining pillars of what used to be a parking garage beloved for its breathtaking views of the Toronto skyline is none other than Queen Elizabeth II.And she's blowing a truly impressive bubblegum bubble.The image occupies the top quarter of the since-demolished parking garage.Ostensibly not based on an actual image of the late Queen of England (although, if it was, she's got some major bubblegum skills), the work inevitably raises its own set of questions.Who is the artist behind it? How did they get up there? Do they speci...

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