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Tudorel Toader: BEC îi va admite candidatura lui Georgescu. CCR nu se raportează la procedura penală, ci la Constituție

Fostul judecător al Curții Constituționale Tudorel Toader susține că Biroul Electoral Central va admite candidatura lui Călin Georgescu pentru alegerile prezidențiale din luna mai. 

Tudorel Toader believes the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) will approve Călin Georgescu's presidential candidacy, anticipating appeals that the Constitutional Court (CCR) will resolve based on the Constitution. Other news includes Ovidiu Burcă's reaction to a football loss, Codin Maticiuc increasing the reward for his lost dog, upcoming pension increases in 2025, pleas for help from Romanians in Ukraine, drug smuggling attempts, a case of issuing fake IDs, and Indonesian cloud seeding to reduce Jakarta floods.

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