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Utilizarea excesivă a ecranelor de către copii și adolescenți le afectează dezvoltarea mentală. Care sunt consecințele pe termen lung

Utilizarea excesivă a ecranelor de către copii şi adolescenţi reprezintă o problemă majoră la nivel mondial, care le afectează dezvoltarea mentală şi sănătatea pe diferite paliere, afirmă profesorul psiholog Ioana Omuţ-Cherechianu, o promotoare a informării şi a readucerii copilăriei adevărate pe pământ, după cum afirmă ea.

Excessive screen use by children and adolescents significantly impacts their mental development, leading to long-term consequences such as attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impaired cognitive, social, and emotional skills. Parents often use screens as a tool to manage behavior, inadvertently hindering children's development. Psychologist Ioana Omuț-Cherechianu highlights that early and prolonged screen exposure disrupts brain development, affecting attention, motivation, and learning abilities. She emphasizes the importance of free play for social skills and problem-solving, advocating for reduced screen time before age 16 and promoting activities that enhance creativity and critical thinking.

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