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Vânzarea unei fabrici din Craiova, în atenția CSAT. Uzina poate produce și vehicule militare, iar cumpărătorul a avut legături strânse cu Rusia

Consiliul Suprem de Apărare a Țării va verifica tranzacția prin care firma Automecanica Skb Property vrea să achiziționeze fabrica Popeci Utilaj Greu, una dintre puținele uzine din Craiova care mai funcționează după Revoluție.

The sale of Popeci Utilaj Greu, a factory in Craiova, to Automecanica Skb Property is under scrutiny by Romania's National Council for Defense (CSAT). The buyer, Serghei Glinka, has ties to Russia, having previously been involved with TransmasHolding, a major rail manufacturer there. The factory, which can produce military vehicles, was privatized in 2002 by Constantin Popeci. The sale is also being reviewed by the Competition Council, which seeks further investigation. Additionally, Grampet, Romania's largest rail operator, has filed a legal challenge against the transaction.

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