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Zajedno za Trogir, Most, HSLS i Hrvatski suverenisti sklopili predizbornu koaliciju

Stranke Zajedno za Trogir, Most, HSLS i Hrvatski suverenisti potpisale su u utorak koalicijski sporazum o zajedničkom kandidatu za gradonačelnika i zajedničkoj listi za Gradsko vijeće i poručile da će biti glavna alternativa vladajućoj koaliciji SDP-a, HNS-a i HSU-a

Zajedno za Trogir, MOST, HSLS, and Hrvatski suverenisti have formed a pre-election coalition to present a united candidate for mayor and a joint City Council list, aiming to be the main alternative to the ruling coalition of SDP, HNS, and HSU. Positioned as a center-right group, they offer a new vision for Trogir, emphasizing the need for change after SDP's 12 years in power. Zajedno za Trogir leads the candidate and list, with MOST as the deputy mayor and HSLS in the fourth position.

today 5 h. ago attach_file Other

ID: 3397326173
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