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Zivilschutz: Vorsorge für den Kriegsfall – 30 Milliarden Euro benötigt

Der Kriegsfall sei »wahrscheinlicher« geworden, heißt es nach SPIEGEL-Informationen in einem internen Papier des Bundesinnenministeriums. Um die Bevölkerung zu schützen, müsse massiv investiert werden.

According to a SPIEGEL report, the German government estimates needing over 30 billion euros in the next decade to improve civil defense in preparation for a more likely "war scenario." An internal paper from the Federal Ministry of the Interior calls for strengthening the Technical Relief Agency (THW) and the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), including more staff, logistics centers, and improved capabilities for warning the population, ensuring drinking water supply, and maintaining government functions.

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