The team suggests the “upward trend” is more pronounced in men Politics
John Clark, 41, died just days after he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, a condition that affects the brain and nerves, with his wife Clair adding: "We had no real time to prepare" Events
Tyree Smith, 35, was previously found not guilty by reason of insanity of slaughtering Angel 'Tun Tun' Gonzalez with a hatchet and eating his body parts in December 2011. Events
With energy demands predicted to double by 2050, the Government must ensure the system can cope and connect new sources of renewable power to the grid, it says. Politics
Alex Arkell, from Stirling, is hoping to raise awareness of people living with pituitary conditions after she received a shock brain tumour diagnosis at the age of just 16. Events
The condition, called auditory processing disorder (APD), sees the brain struggle to decipher sounds or words and differentiate them against background noise. Events