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AfD: Alice Weidel sieht ihr Lebensmodell nicht im Widerspruch zum Familienbild der Partei

Alice Weidel lebt mit einer Frau zusammen, das Paar zieht zwei Söhne groß. Die AfD propagiert hingegen »die Familie, bestehend aus Vater, Mutter und Kindern«. In der ARD sprach die Parteichefin nun über diese Diskrepanz.

Alice Weidel, the leader of the AfD party, addressed the discrepancy between her personal family life and the party's stance on family during an ARD TV show. She lives with a woman and they have two sons, while the AfD defines the family as consisting of a mother, father, and children. Weidel stated that her lifestyle doesn't conflict with the party's views and supports legal equality for registered partnerships, though this isn't part of the party's official program. She also responded to a viewer's concern about homophobic tendencies in the AfD by emphasizing her advocacy for people to live as they choose.

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