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Armin Nicoară, decizie radicală înainte ca soția lui să aducă pe lume primul lor copil: ”Nu mai poate!”

Claudia Puican va deveni mămică peste aproximativ două luni. Perioada sarcinii nu a fost deloc ușoară pentru ea. Artista s-a confruntat cu multe probleme. Ținând cont de starea sa, Armin Nicoară a fost nevoit să […]

Armin Nicoară and Claudia Puican are expecting their first child in approximately two months. Claudia's pregnancy has been challenging due to health issues, which impacted her musical activities and required Armin to replace her in some performances. Armin sought divine assistance by visiting Mount Athos. Despite the difficulties, they are joyful about becoming parents. Armin has taken on household chores to support Claudia and expressed emotional readiness for parenthood, noting Claudia's anticipated focus on their baby.

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