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Boris Johnson susține acordul propus de Trump privind resursele naturale ale Ucrainei

Fostul prim-ministru britanic Boris Johnson și-a exprimat sprijinul pentru acordul propus de SUA privind resursele naturale ale Ucrainei, subliniind importanța sprijinului continuu al Americii pentru țara aflată în război, scrie The Kyiv Independent.

Boris Johnson supports the US-proposed deal on Ukraine's natural resources, emphasizing the need for continued US support. While the deal is in its final stages, Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky is hesitant due to security concerns and the requirement to cede 50% of resources, with the US seeking $500 billion. Johnson sees the latest deal version as an improvement, highlighting annual reinvestment and effective negotiation by Ukraine. He likens the deal to the WWII Lend-Lease program, calling it a step forward, but criticizes Trump's recent remarks suggesting Ukraine's responsibility for the war, comparing it to blaming the US for Pearl Harbor.

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