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Ce ascunde acordul privind resursele dintre Ucraina și Statele Unite?

Situația din jurul prevederilor așa-numitului acord privind resursele dintre Ucraina și Statele Unite este foarte volatilă. Cu toate acestea, diversele informații care se scurg în mass-media oferă deja o idee despre natura viitorului acord.

The agreement between Ukraine and the United States concerning natural resources is shrouded in secrecy, with only the framework publicly discussed. The "one for two" principle proposed by the US implies that for each dollar of assistance, two dollars from resource revenues will go into a fund under full US control, with potential reinvestment in Ukraine. Legally, Ukraine's constitution states resources belong to its people, and the agreement doesn't involve selling resources but modernizing management. Previously, the state controlled permits and revenues, which now shift to a fund. The agreement's main purpose is compensation for US aid, formalizing an undeclared debt. The US aims to create a debt owed to them, contrasting with Ukraine's debts to others. Ratification by both countries' parliaments is required. Additionally, the agreement highlights Ukraine's military prospects, political developments, and reactions to US resolutions.

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