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Cine este Friedrich Merz, avocatul pe cale să devină noul cancelar al Germaniei

Friedrich Merz, liderul Uniunii Creștin-Democrate (CDU) și principalul favorit pentru funcția de cancelar al Germaniei, s-a remarcat printr-o abordare fermă asupra politicilor de migrație, distanțându-se clar de strategia adoptată de fostul lider al partidului, Angela Merkel.

Friedrich Merz, leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), is a leading candidate to become Germany's next Chancellor. Known for his strict stance on migration, he advocates for tougher border controls and deportations, differing from former Chancellor Angela Merkel's policies. Despite collaborating with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) on a migration-related motion in the Bundestag, Merz has ruled out forming a coalition with them, as they question Germany's commitment to the EU and NATO. Recent election results show the CDU/CSU alliance winning 28.5% of the vote, followed by the AfD with 20%, marking a significant shift in German politics. Merz has pledged to maintain Germany's "debt brake" fiscal rule while pursuing major tax reforms to boost the economy. As a lawyer and former leader of the CDU, Merz's path to the chancellorship hinges on forming a coalition, likely with the Greens and Social Democrats (SPD). His leadership will face challenges in balancing strict fiscal policies, a pro-NATO foreign policy, and stringent migration reforms amid a deeply divided electorate.

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