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Ciolacu anunță reduceri record de cheltuieli la Guvern. Câte posturi guvernamentale sunt tăiate

Premierul Marcel Ciolacu a anunțat joi că vor fi eliminate 1800 de posturi de funcţionari publici şi contractuali din cele 32 de instituţii aflate în subordinea şi coordonarea Guvernului. Desființările vor reduce posturile cu 13,5%.

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has announced a significant reduction in government spending, eliminating 1,800 positions across 32 institutions, representing a 13.5% decrease. This marks the largest reduction in operational spending in Romania's history, aimed at sending a concrete signal to the public and business community. No changes to the single tax rate or VAT are planned this year. Additionally, a major German company's entry into Romania underscores confidence in the country's economy.

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