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Cât va costa refacerea Fâșiei Gaza. Țările arabe vor să contribuie cu jumătate din suma estimată de Banca Mondială

Peste 50 de miliarde de dolari vor fi necesari pentru reconstrucția Fâșiei Gaza și a Cisiordaniei după cele 15 luni de război între Israel și Hamas, potrivit unei evaluări comune a ONU, UE și Băncii…

Over 50 billion dollars are required to reconstruct Gaza and the West Bank following 15 months of conflict between Israel and Hamas, according to a joint assessment by the UN, EU, and World Bank. Arab countries plan to contribute up to 20 billion dollars, aiming to counter U.S. President Donald Trump's proposal to place Gaza under American control. The Arab plan, primarily based on an Egyptian proposal, seeks to establish a Palestinian national committee to govern Gaza without Hamas involvement and ensure international reconstruction efforts without displacing Palestinians. This contribution could influence Trump to accept their plan, benefiting American and Israeli companies. The Palestinian Authority estimates the first phase will cost 20 billion dollars over three years.

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