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Cu ce se ocupă tatăl lui Sebastian Dobrincu, de fapt. Nimeni nu se aștepta ca Romică să aibă o asemenea meserie

Invitați în podcastul lui Cătălin Măruță, Sebastian Dobrincu și părinții lui au fost protagoniștii unui interviu de colecție. Cei trei nu au ratat niciun subiect – de la cele mai dragi amintiri din viață, până […]

Sebastian Dobrincu's father, Romică Dobrincu, is a mechanic and former auto repair shop owner. Romică started his career in a challenging environment, worked in the military, and later transitioned into entrepreneurship. During an interview, Romică discussed his career journey and how he built a successful business. Sebastian, on the other hand, shared his feelings about growing up in a family with limited financial resources compared to his peers.

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