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Cum ar putea fi UE un pol de putere de nivelul SUA. Analist de politică externă: „Va trebui să depășească ce reprezintă acum”| ANALIZA

Uniunea Europeană ar putea deveni un pol de putere care poate fi luat în seamă de Statele Unite ale Americii și de Federația Rusă dacă va reuși să se prezinte ca un front unit, consideră expertul în politică externă Ștefan Popescu.

The article discusses the potential for the European Union (EU) to emerge as a major global power, comparable to the United States (U.S.) and Russia. Stefan Popescu, an international relations expert, highlights that the EU must present a united front to overcome its fragmented structure of 27 member states with varying foreign policies and strategic cultures. France is identified as a key player due to its geopolitical influence, nuclear capabilities, and global reach, while the UK's nuclear deterrent is noted as dependent on the U.S. Germany's economic ties to the U.S. are seen as a vulnerability. The urgency of supporting Ukraine is stressed to prevent it from falling under Russian influence, with the EU needing to act swiftly to present a credible commitment.

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