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    [total] => 23296
    [q] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS T FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND iso MATCH 'US'
    [terms] => Array

    [language] => Array
            [0] => US

    [isos] => Array
            [US] => 23296

    [sql] => SELECT * FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND iso MATCH 'US'  ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
    [data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => FBI offering $10K reward for information on missing Boston man last seen in Portland 19 years ago
                    [sha] => 1012533440
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2025/03/25/fbi-offering-10k-reward-for-information-on-missing-boston-man-last-seen-in-portland-19-years-ago/
                    [description] => "I just want to find him and bring him home. I need people to come forward.” The post FBI offering $10K reward for information on missing Boston man last seen in Portland 19 years ago appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742952582
                    [extra] => 0

            [1] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => North Andover students protest after dozens of teachers are laid off
                    [sha] => 2182604869
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/education/2025/03/25/north-andover-students-protest-after-dozens-of-teachers-are-laid-off/
                    [description] => While the North Andover School Committee approved a budget increase of 10 percent, it was still $3.5 million short of what was needed to maintain services, the superintendent said. The post North Andover students protest after dozens of teachers are laid off appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 2
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742952251
                    [extra] => 0

            [2] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Man and two children are found alive after plane crash into an Alaska lake
                    [sha] => 4057889367
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirgFBVV95cUxOS3Vjbm1WZHJzOGY3dlE3YjdSUE5PakFFOWlxXzJ1V0hDZ2d6c2xvSnVucnZLYjJ0QWtLQld4aWJuY1ZNQkU0QzZtc2xDbUhmOEt6QTJOMkk4LVNReWxqeUlZdm9JdlJVa2s3WHRpWURKelpoOHBtMFBjaDYyOGN0ckl3TXRWVVFXWnk3TnFMQ1UyZTllT0FsSzg3NEdJbzVKTzdCc29PVkl6QlVzdFE?oc=5
                    [description] => Man and two children are found alive after plane crash into an Alaska lake  Juneau Empire
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742951626
                    [extra] => 0

            [3] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump's lawyer may have known more about Eric Adams' criminal case
                    [sha] => 4037215404
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/US/trumps-lawyer-eric-adams-criminal-case/story?id=120152531
                    [description] => Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche may have known more about Eric Adams' criminal case.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742951461
                    [extra] => 0

            [4] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump signs executive order requiring proof of citizenship in federal elections
                    [sha] => 2536059241
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijgFBVV95cUxQX1FrVXZWVlBKakZmeURZdHNxaDd5T1gzYzhGT1ozN3JDVi1mdEhBOVZKcnZ6T0VNR05ubUlIZzM4UF8tRUwtQkd2TkxzTldPcXVyYy1JcW1NMmlkb3RtOWltVEZUVzR2eDlEYWxydlJNdGtNc0Y4U2pfUXBIdU1oQ1h3R3hpendFV2xSNHlR?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump signs executive order requiring proof of citizenship in federal elections  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742951439
                    [extra] => 0

            [5] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle opens new waterfront restrooms as part of $806M transformation
                    [sha] => 3440433501
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMidEFVX3lxTE5kSlZXY1dqekZaNE0yZmFGSV9MRXRESVB2ZVlOTklmTkMteUpjVlBmNy1ETzFiVDdZX1l6dURxUS1wWnd5RXdKb0YtUzcyVi1odDh4X1hqLVBNMzkxWlJJV3QtVkZkRVdvZlRZUkg0ZFI0blU00gF6QVVfeXFMT0RNa2VhaFB3SzNBY0pQUF9sZzdLbmsxZWRYLTNrTGYtR1BzT1pITDVtNkkwd2ttQ1haM19ZSFVJdllJVGRnUjFoTWprdzN0YUJsM0xQQmZQTmEwcEc4aHZQRERqaUtkR2lCajRxMjFhalRXY2Z1eC11MHc?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle opens new waterfront restrooms as part of $806M transformation  FOX 13 Seattle
                    [category] => 1
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742951207
                    [extra] => 0

            [6] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => What wiped out all the data in my SUV’s infotainment system?
                    [sha] => 1962531561
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/cars/how-to/2025/03/25/car-doctor-what-wiped-out-all-the-data-in-my-suvs-infotainment-system/
                    [description] => John Paul, AAA Northeast's Car Doctor, answers a question from a reader who unexpectedly got a blank screen when they started up their vehicle. The post What wiped out all the data in my SUV’s infotainment system? appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742951107
                    [extra] => 0

            [7] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Large plumes of smoke billow over East LA due to structure fire
                    [sha] => 3571162033
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Large plumes of smoke billow over East LA due to structure fire  NBC Los Angeles
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742950254
                    [extra] => 0

            [8] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Gas tax hikes and sneaky fees: Comparing Washington plans to fund road repairs
                    [sha] => 1892984738
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                    [description] => Gas tax hikes and sneaky fees: Comparing Washington plans to fund road repairs  MyNorthwest
                    [category] => 1
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                    [date] => 1742950215
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            [9] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => LA County Supervisors approve $637 million budget for homelessness services
                    [sha] => 3294788254
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                    [description] => LA County Supervisors approve $637 million budget for homelessness services  CBS Los Angeles
                    [category] => 3
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                    [date] => 1742949888
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            [10] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Brock Purdy in contract talks, could receive a gift from the San Francisco 49ers in the upcoming Draft
                    [sha] => 2922672424
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikwFBVV95cUxOLXJlbnE2WEQyUmZjVWhKUGJpeUxHVF80cHR2VkJMNFdfYlh0ZTEzaXNzNlpSNHoxa3FWYXJIN2ZTbjY4WjlnZGdXZGxzejlrVV9MWF8wU2FkNUJJenFvYXhNVlR6MUJ0M3hqUkU4ZTZYaHhSSERJamhOQU5Ud3BVZ1R1UUFlaldUWlRXdXZMTlJKRDDSAZMBQVVfeXFMTW9iTDZqalpUVzRvUXE2NWpZWlZaWWV2UWxaYVlLeklxRVB0RndSM2YzaWtLcFpnYXpGWVY4bVNVelRDLS11UGtZRUw2c08weUhBcnlnRmlwZG5jeVZHdVlpWDVvbjFUbEZ1SmtNemhSQXktR0VCZXBxNlozT0FTR0dwdFY2bkRjYXV0UXRZN0pGQ3VF?oc=5
                    [description] => Brock Purdy in contract talks, could receive a gift from the San Francisco 49ers in the upcoming Draft  Marca English
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                    [date] => 1742949540
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            [11] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle attack on Tesla: Car owners share vandalism video with KIRO 7
                    [sha] => 18552937
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle attack on Tesla: Car owners share vandalism video with KIRO 7  KIRO Seattle
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742949300
                    [extra] => 0

            [12] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Enjoy free activities as ‘Parks After Dark' pops up at 33 SoCal parks
                    [sha] => 3894120799
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Enjoy free activities as ‘Parks After Dark' pops up at 33 SoCal parks  NBC Los Angeles
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742948622
                    [extra] => 0

            [13] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => After ICE operation in Mass., Trump border czar says sanctuary cities will keep seeing ‘collateral’ arrests
                    [sha] => 109125463
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2025/03/25/after-ice-operation-in-mass-trump-border-czar-says-sanctuary-cities-will-keep-seeing-collateral-arrests/
                    [description] => “Sanctuary cities are going to get exactly what they don’t want: more agents in the community and more collateral arrests.” The post After ICE operation in Mass., Trump border czar says sanctuary cities will keep seeing ‘collateral’ arrests appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742948530
                    [extra] => 0

            [14] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Classified material laws and why experts say Signal chat raises concerns
                    [sha] => 4283685553
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirwFBVV95cUxQamhrdlZUTjZGTThmWlcwQ1B2VlppTC1ORE9Yak9TaXpnUTFBZmlzdWF6eVFvZUM2alZfVFcySVBiaFV5d3BrTUt1c2g0cjVWbnpXaFdiRVJicUkxcXVZZWJXZ3otQnowaEJKZTd1ckpDTHh3NGZ1NzVjWHl4Wk1kaElxSmVRWEVWcnNlUnhNMV9wNFpRLTBmaXVpMVB5NGJTOVJhcXdUajdZMzV2VU1Z?oc=5
                    [description] => Classified material laws and why experts say Signal chat raises concerns  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742948503
                    [extra] => 0

            [15] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Breitbart Business Digest: Consumers Say They’re Worried—But the Economy Isn’t Listening
                    [sha] => 4225657207
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2025/03/25/breitbart-business-digest-consumers-say-theyre-worried-but-the-economy-isnt-listening/
                    [description] => Consumer confidence is down, business leaders are worried, and headlines are awash in recession fears. Yet actual economic data stubbornly refuse to cooperate with this gloomy narrative. The post Breitbart Business Digest: Consumers Say They’re Worried—But the Economy Isn’t Listening appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742948117
                    [extra] => 0

            [16] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => AROUND ALASKA: Fire Hydrants, Sled Dog Races, Baby Yak, and More!
                    [sha] => 4281580761
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi5AFBVV95cUxQNWQ0QUNnN1UxaW80QzRLc2pUSGc2OGptUTNnQkVwNDBWbkFxZzlZdld5aGEtZkt4aEdtVUNMWlluaS15NmtTTjRXWUk1V2NTMnAydzd2aDdaM3E1SHBHMkloS1ZnVVFpbUpGWGd1aWdEeE1JZUJ1dmFEcXEtU0k0U3NkMVpfYjUtajhvRGJoakxHcnE2NHI3d0pjejRHeUx4RGMya0VFTHgyNFA2emJRUzlGQlgyWHpleS03S3JLNHJYYWZUTjU3eTNsMnBKUHNLYXB3N3RuQ3Z2YmNkTEp6c0hOcHY?oc=5
                    [description] => AROUND ALASKA: Fire Hydrants, Sled Dog Races, Baby Yak, and More!  youralaskalink
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742948040
                    [extra] => 0

            [17] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seattle Mariners Commit $105 Million To Secure Catcher Raleigh
                    [sha] => 2984500596
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitgFBVV95cUxObkd0bjYyak9WcDZVTTdQTFB3U1VGNlU2cjJIYjJnTlB0Z19mRFYtR0xXYVNSd3FlaVRHOV8ycWNUU2RDMjI3RmM3aFZYbndCVXE4ckM0dmI2VnNyMjdpTDAzNDhwU3czMW5HTFBsUTBQWU1vSHBtOUNsSm10SUFjVldiZEZsX3pyaXdPUEVmQkl0LUVDdTBDZHJnUFpMYVNERGpZZW9NbnMwbEJOQzVfaDA4MjFqZw?oc=5
                    [description] => Seattle Mariners Commit $105 Million To Secure Catcher Raleigh  Forbes
                    [category] => 3
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742947978
                    [extra] => 0

            [18] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Live updates: Waltz takes ‘full responsibility' for putting together text group that leaked military plans
                    [sha] => 616370585
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Live updates: Waltz takes ‘full responsibility' for putting together text group that leaked military plans  NBC Miami
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742947826
                    [extra] => 0

            [19] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Susan Rice: Trump Administration Group Chat 'Biggest National Security Debacle'
                    [sha] => 3107983539
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2025/03/25/susan-rice-trump-administration-group-chat-biggest-national-security-debacle/
                    [description] => Former White House adviser Susan Rice said Tuesday on MSNBC's "Deadline" that The Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg being added to Signal group chat on military strikes against the Houthis between Trump administration officials was "the biggest national security debacle that any professional can remember." The post Susan Rice: Trump Administration Group Chat ‘Biggest National Security Debacle’ appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742947763
                    [extra] => 0

            [20] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Los Angeles Dodgers to make Trump White House visit next month
                    [sha] => 154132580
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMinAFBVV95cUxNaGNFQmhKcWo5QkNEZFJ3eVA5ZE5ncUkzcjRYZFZaQXhXZWtRWWI2QnNQZUpCZnIyRmZEam8xbDVDYjVsM0Z3Y0g2WFBxNEt1TUsxZERBUXR6NGJKUXJweHN1RHBxLTdac0h0Z09Dcm5xanlZRGNubEl2NjdodVBESEotTEVMYTZtTkUxQjR2LXR2V2wzb29jbEZZMEXSAaIBQVVfeXFMUFF0WkpvMEtqY0VoVU1na3RieUVmUTFGZmtpSzR4M0RQWHZ4LU9XdHBhU212Qkl6U0lKcXZ2Ni0yZmVnLW0yYS10djNfUk1od1JqNU9JWXJVSlBnLThfa1l0WjA1Z2JLNy11dngwSW5jdFJqSGhUbXVRNWFDYWhsZENjc0VhclBZQ040SFdqejJZc0ktdmltNC1Tc2I1WjR6dlZR?oc=5
                    [description] => Los Angeles Dodgers to make Trump White House visit next month  KTLA Los Angeles
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742947579
                    [extra] => 0

            [21] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => LA moves to take control of homelessness agency, citing audits that found reckless spending
                    [sha] => 59403015
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => LA moves to take control of homelessness agency, citing audits that found reckless spending  NBC Los Angeles
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742947557
                    [extra] => 0

            [22] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Blumenthal: Trump Administration Group Chat Potential Espionage Act Violation
                    [sha] => 908320264
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2025/03/25/blumenthal-trump-administration-group-chat-potential-espionage-act-violation/
                    [description] => Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said on Tuesday on MSNBC's "Deadline" that the Signal group chat on military strikes against the Houthis between Trump administration officials might be a violation of the "Espionage Act as well as the Federal Records and Presidential Records Act." The post Blumenthal: Trump Administration Group Chat Potential Espionage Act Violation appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742947386
                    [extra] => 0

            [23] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 4 arrested, drugs and cash seized in Seattle police operation
                    [sha] => 1023962336
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMid0FVX3lxTE91Z1lOeG9yR3JEa2NZT3FNMEU2ZTV5M2gydmNFQVROU2RPTXRJMjROTlVDWmVueFJ5Sl9nTUcwY0xCZzdndi1YNy1TNjFWdmhCOTJyVHBsa1h0eXpVYUZjeDIwYk1sZ0FSbGxVeVJ6NkJMZVBQWWRF0gF8QVVfeXFMT2h6U18wVHVmRHh0VjRwcVJfMElmY1ExMjB3ZzNoMHotdmROY25TNXFoelJJbVk4TUpDTnRHZmkzMzhtOGIzNl9hUjRZdHpDbjRWRzliWXRNRzRUaldpeVluclJBN3ZCYlFFeS00NFVLZ1QzdG5KejVwSFYxNA?oc=5
                    [description] => 4 arrested, drugs and cash seized in Seattle police operation  FOX 13 Seattle
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742947270
                    [extra] => 0

            [24] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => LADWP and LASAN Announce Completion of Key Pure Water Los Angeles Planning Documents at Joint Board Meeting
                    [sha] => 1571865602
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMizwFBVV95cUxNd3JGVFdVSndSaHZIZjd0MTZqMW1HeDkwbzA3UXdPNWNXMUNFajE3V1NaREtRa2wxT1JCbU5pWUFUWGNkY2w1T1Z6TjFLenhDZkxCckpselBfM1J1R2c2d0VTWE9jQnVBWmN6OUg4Sm9BTUhZdWFsVC02ODBZVHljOHl5VEZETGw4Z01PMWY5cXkzRlVkR3lYYVg3S0RMY3dvanctcG5QZnVhdGpzTjI0S0tGUjZUdHZUelNvbUREWmluckFSUEhjVjlNNEVjTHM?oc=5
                    [description] => LADWP and LASAN Announce Completion of Key Pure Water Los Angeles Planning Documents at Joint Board Meeting  LADWP News
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742947209
                    [extra] => 0

            [25] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 2025 NFL free agency updates: Russell Wilson to Giants, Stefon Diggs to Patriots in pair of big
                    [sha] => 3657961374
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi6AFBVV95cUxPa3pfTkdhOU1aZXdKd3BlQlpTV3lWZ0dLT044NE1CcnpmcThrTDBFaG5QNG9Xd2YtSi1uVkFfbGZNRXlIMmhqbDNSbkpra3FvTmlscU5ad2ljbU5sVnFkOENleXpMa2FrbzU5S3NMdmRITmVZMDlia05PcFRYdE1Tb0N2WjFSOEtNNnNFRGJZNjhFZktIcHNMNjBqMFZfLVZVNGVjaVdkVDkzcXFET2NnWjFXUDZ1eWgzRlhHU0ZlNkpLbTFnRlVlNjM2YWt0cDhrUmpNeFVEUDlsekhHR0R4WHBvZG5PYmxT?oc=5
                    [description] => 2025 NFL free agency updates: Russell Wilson to Giants, Stefon Diggs to Patriots in pair of big-name moves  Yahoo Sports
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742947181
                    [extra] => 0

            [26] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington State University warns of severe honey bee losses in 2025
                    [sha] => 1721387502
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi5gFBVV95cUxQYXFYMHNPcjBPQUpEeUhYQ3hJeHY0UjZqYmJGelE4WG9nODA1OWN0UmEzUy1nRzZtTk1jTXJmWEhkdEx4ZlVDNEpjelk0MEtHazRnS3RhV09ZTVJMdlJWNzc5bEVVc09OQk5sRDJuYjJfekM2WjBZSWhvdTJnRjR0SDZfVlh0YlFpckRKb3RxS01QYU5tX1hHVFpZUHlrVVV5TEVxR2htVHRGc1d2NWNpVlc0TU1Nb0NjV3Z3N3FlZWFPZzdaMGo4NlZTelhJd2dGbF9rWTVDU2pTMG0yMXgxanpxYWxoQQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington State University warns of severe honey bee losses in 2025  NBC Right Now
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742947080
                    [extra] => 0

            [27] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Photos: Simply Seattle celebrates 2nd store 'Simply U Village' with M's star Cal Raleigh
                    [sha] => 1180898872
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivgFBVV95cUxQdlREaVFuMHRYV1RWWTlldXRrNEdCZVRJWDl4WFNnRHRULW8yQzc1YjhySTNtWmpDRzNYWThna25UNUFtRy1GR1NDUXFpRlBHTEw0cFBMYnlDN0xkT0xiM0hTbGwwenJmdWlheDVwZEFSVVhVeTlqWlppeTdvTjZUXzVYd2o0SVc0dzRJWUpzX2Y2ZmJ3cWREUS10aFNMcTZmaHVWWnF5M3JOWTJnTWZMQWxZT2dTVUF1d2h6Njln?oc=5
                    [description] => Photos: Simply Seattle celebrates 2nd store 'Simply U Village' with M's star Cal Raleigh  seattlerefined.com
                    [category] => 6
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742946932
                    [extra] => 0

            [28] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Signal Chat Disclosure Poses Early Test for F.B.I. and Justice Dept.
                    [sha] => 2158334383
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/25/us/politics/doj-fbi-signal-leak.html
                    [description] => Whether the agencies open an investigation will bring into sharp relief the intended approach of their leaders, Kash Patel and Pam Bondi, who promised to administer impartial justice.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742946814
                    [extra] => 0

            [29] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Two military jets collide in midair stunt, crash to ground in fiery explosion
                    [sha] => 3974802325
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/world/two-military-jets-collide-midair-stunt-crash-ground-fiery-explosion
                    [description] => Two Alpha jets collided midair during a training exercise in France before crashing to the ground and exploding in a massive fireball, dramatic video shows.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742946452
                    [extra] => 0

            [30] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Columbia Planned Tighter Protest Rules Even Before Trump Demanded Them
                    [sha] => 553316558
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/25/nyregion/columbia-campus-rules-khalil-lawsuit.html
                    [description] => Students sued to stop Columbia from giving their disciplinary records to the federal government, which has demanded that the university rein in demonstrations.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742946403
                    [extra] => 0

            [31] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Los Angeles Metro highlights bus system improvements in wake of study on delays
                    [sha] => 2145933891
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Los Angeles Metro highlights bus system improvements in wake of study on delays  KTLA Los Angeles
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742946029
                    [extra] => 0

            [32] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => US adds dozens of Chinese entities to export blacklist, including Inspur units
                    [sha] => 3541938816
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilwFBVV95cUxPaWttZktKLXN6QjkxZGRvOU9VSVRVcDBiVnd0dGIzR1ZTZkd1bzBqOVZTQWRBOHhOVVZHcDdYNzNBYVNFaUV2ay1vbTNMc2VHVkVKWkNzZWh6d2NkX2M5cmdrd25TdFlXRW5GYUxQOERSSk8tOWVYRTk3akFIWmpyeXhyd2FaekFwcnExRmctRWQ1bTNpdmFB?oc=5
                    [description] => US adds dozens of Chinese entities to export blacklist, including Inspur units  Reuters
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945983
                    [extra] => 0

            [33] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Outside Lands lineup: Doja Cat, Tyler, the Creator headlining
                    [sha] => 4048767776
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMihwFBVV95cUxNZkpPaGlCQUVfNXBCN3JRV1V3aWUwVzYyelE5NmxXMjhDc2NXLUJfVTgwMHRUaGtLTldndlc1YnFBSE40R3hxdTQzWXpOSXJGR21SaFhZTDBxQXp4UFRqblltWG1nM0pvdWI5RllCSFFZRGIwZUxueVNucmFSUXlHQ2F1dTdLdUXSAYwBQVVfeXFMTW9VYVZqVDlteHhjUGZmSnJ1QVZSaC1wSUdXd2ZDVE52WEZyRno0YlZ4QjJDWXl2eFpOMU5ZWjFtNXpSUDJEdUZDcXkxS3NCQnU5cjJRRXk4bWVsaVhwRlJlRkttVFZzUGZ4S0dWLTFzTUp0RkFvZTktd1RyUDZLRVU2ODMtb01MMHJTT1Y?oc=5
                    [description] => Outside Lands lineup: Doja Cat, Tyler, the Creator headlining  KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945867
                    [extra] => 0

            [34] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => National Security Advisor Mike Waltz takes responsibility for 'embarrassing' Signal chat leak
                    [sha] => 991218692
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/media/national-security-advisor-mike-waltz-takes-responsibility-embarrassing-signal-chat-leak
                    [description] => National Security Advisor Michael Waltz commented on the Signal text chain leak during an appearance on 'The Ingraham Angle.'
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945837
                    [extra] => 0

            [35] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Signal group chat about Yemen strike raises questions about the Espionage Act
                    [sha] => 3901710466
                    [url] => https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/yemen-strike-plans-signal-group-chat-raises-questions/story?id=120131093
                    [description] => A century-old law aimed at cracking down on disloyal wartime activities is in the spotlight after Trump admin's use of Signal group chat to discuss Yemen strike plans.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945818
                    [extra] => 0

            [36] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Volunteers Repaint and Repair Mural as Progress Continues on Converting Great Highway
                    [sha] => 2176538152
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiwAFBVV95cUxNSTFab2g1MHVkbGIxZXdHb1R2aFVnRkNUN1hBT253cE1JUlp2WlIzNmw4cGh4S2lVcklDbXBvenp4UllDWGR1MzVhejhKbXd2MFFjSERaaFlsamNDWXo1bWZUR1B0d1YyS3dNSm1STkpsa0FFbEVzLUN0Z1pNZFpWZV9fQmx6cXhhaDJ4OU5EU0JFUjkwbXBlVE5JUWJ1ZzROa1NxeS10YlFoa2d0R0V4c1FWYjJYOVpMTjdVMS1nSnU?oc=5
                    [description] => Volunteers Repaint and Repair Mural as Progress Continues on Converting Great Highway  Streetsblog San Francisco
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945700
                    [extra] => 0

            [37] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Celtics' Jayson Tatum injures ankle after flagrant foul, exits game against Kings
                    [sha] => 1808633027
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/celtics-jayson-tatum-injures-ankle-after-flagrant-foul-exits-game-against-kings
                    [description] => The reigning NBA champion Celtics entered Monday's matchup with the Kings with some bumps and bruises, but the team dealt with a scare when Jayson Tatum sprained his ankle.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945624
                    [extra] => 0

            [38] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump signs order seeking to overhaul US elections, including requiring proof of citizenship
                    [sha] => 2070890129
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2025/03/25/trump-signs-order-seeking-to-overhaul-us-elections-including-requiring-proof-of-citizenship/
                    [description] => The move, which is likely to face swift challenges because states have broad authority to set their own election rules, is consistent with Trump’s long history of railing against election processes. The post Trump signs order seeking to overhaul US elections, including requiring proof of citizenship appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945505
                    [extra] => 0

            [39] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump Signs Executive Order Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote in Elections
                    [sha] => 3242626524
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/25/us/politics/trump-elections-executive-order.html
                    [description] => Administration officials cited cracking down on immigrants illegally on voter rolls as one of the executive order’s main goals, amplifying Mr. Trump’s grievances about electoral integrity.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945480
                    [extra] => 0

            [40] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Democrats slam spy chiefs over Trump team’s Signal leak of war plans
                    [sha] => 1374546986
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMisAFBVV95cUxQWGRMRU5IaVl1eDhYNHRkU3pTQWhpWHJ1SjYtWUxEZURKUm1iVXRjY0RlV2NiRjBJUkNibklISm4zNXJLakZiT0YxT2x2OEwzeDFDMkZXTmpfNUZ5aklHbGFMTzNHdXNhUlM3WmVjN0xxb3poZXdKRnhNcG5VUFl2UXlrcGpSMzRmb0ZRUm5FWUhMR3dpOFVzUUNMS0t0NWd2NkpfUjZEdmNPM1oyTHF0eg?oc=5
                    [description] => Democrats slam spy chiefs over Trump team’s Signal leak of war plans  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945471
                    [extra] => 0

            [41] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Head of Small Business Administration Kelly Loeffler visits Los Angeles to assess wildfire recovery assistance needs
                    [sha] => 259269080
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Head of Small Business Administration Kelly Loeffler visits Los Angeles to assess wildfire recovery assistance needs  ABC7 Los Angeles
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945175
                    [extra] => 0

            [42] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => This Michigan company builds the March Madness basketball courts
                    [sha] => 1846062066
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikgFBVV95cUxOaFB0LS13TzYzbkRaaWhLc0FIZDMyQTYyZmdreDg0SmFndE96c2JJeldlVVlmQWdZZEZwcVJteXotZXFVNFdDSHFhRW4ybVBKQkJCd0ZNS0ZjNFRnbENMS0ZQUjRoSnhSVGVJTS1BazE5TXdtbVVOSDUwSkQ5c192NWZyeGNLV1FWVGtRS0oxckZYd9IBmgFBVV95cUxOYkpKS0ZPc1ZMVzJ3S3doalk4SUNRNHN6WnV5QzJxel9GU2xQSkhyckQ1dHdRRlFRLV95WEhfMWh1Qk1LbnVxOXFqczdlUUJGQVYtRVhDbkRxM2ZwclFSckQzVHI1MjRpTG9maGxvYmM4S1VqMmhmUC01bHRENktUUWEzNFQ5RVZGbmhRaXYweWpfRHZleC0tVlFR?oc=5
                    [description] => This Michigan company builds the March Madness basketball courts  NBC Los Angeles
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742945140
                    [extra] => 0

            [43] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Jasmine Crockett dismisses Americans impacted by trans athletes in women's and girls' sports
                    [sha] => 962157559
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/sports/jasmine-crockett-mocks-americans-impacted-trans-athletes-womens-girls-sports
                    [description] => Rep. Jasmine Crockett addressed the impact of the trans athlete debate on the Democratic Party and suggested the issue is a distraction that divided the party.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944986
                    [extra] => 0

            [44] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Nick Wright speculates Celtics as possible trade destination for Kevin Durant 
                    [sha] => 3306923081
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/sports/boston-celtics/2025/03/25/boston-celtics-trade-rumors-kevin-durant-nba-basketball-suns/
                    [description] => "Two totally unrelated people ... have said to me, 'Watch out for Durant in Boston.’" The post Nick Wright speculates Celtics as possible trade destination for Kevin Durant  appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944893
                    [extra] => 0

            [45] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Rep. Lauren Boebert suggests GOP could rename DC ‘District of America’: 'Keep the jokes at bay'
                    [sha] => 3121654633
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rep-lauren-boebert-suggests-gop-rename-dc-district-america
                    [description] => Washington, D.C., could be renamed to the "District of America," U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert told fellow lawmakers Tuesday during a hearing.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944811
                    [extra] => 0

            [46] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump Signs Executive Order Targeting New Law Firm, Jenner & Block
                    [sha] => 661332346
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/25/us/politics/trump-executive-order-law-firm-jenner-block.html
                    [description] => An executive order underscored the extent to which the president, who faced four indictments after he left office, aims to exact a price from anyone associated with past investigations of him.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944803
                    [extra] => 0

            [47] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump signs executive order requiring proof of citizenship in federal elections: 'An honor to sign this one'
                    [sha] => 2901027600
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-signs-executive-order-requiring-proof-citizenship-federal-elections-honor-sign
                    [description] => People voting in federal elections will be required to provide proof of U.S. citizenship when they register to vote, according to a new executive order.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944566
                    [extra] => 0

            [48] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Seahawks Free Agency 2025: Seattle addresses huge hole on the roster
                    [sha] => 3055633725
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMizgFBVV95cUxQREJybk9mS2VVM1NrVGx1VHUzd3ZoNmZqeERxVkl1S0MzWWZpTG9zREtjejl3RkFiVkNTaW9QQ3E0SFZEWThZbXo1SERGSjFVY1p6MUQxVndyS0IyNmJxXzJuNmpkNlB5R3ltdS1oYmQzczRGdHJtZUF3RjJOZDliT1NhY3dzRjZnRXNCNDhOM2VPT1VFTjRNRjhVeU4tV1JBejA2cXpkeUcteFdHcFdkRDlnaHZIY2p0d3B6SE1mdTc5UmlDYnpfQ1pDV1piZw?oc=5
                    [description] => Seahawks Free Agency 2025: Seattle addresses huge hole on the roster  Field Gulls
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944559
                    [extra] => 0

            [49] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Vaccine skeptic hired to head federal study of immunizations and autism
                    [sha] => 3547297357
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimAFBVV95cUxNeHd0cUdpVXZra0JMY1FTRFo3SWtWTWFPY190OG9HbE0zTDlyaE8xeDNWZjJuSkhRbzhUejNlMmh1eXlKeXh0U0d6ZEhFeXpJeUZ3bW03Qmt3V01DQkVOQTZWdnZpd3lHc1kyWkM5d09HSmtoQXJVMy02Z19EWUhCSjljTUpkUjN6bVliSmR1WjdQQXBTb3JTSQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Vaccine skeptic hired to head federal study of immunizations and autism  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944418
                    [extra] => 0

            [50] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Pilot, two children survive night on airplane's wing after crash into icy Alaska lake
                    [sha] => 532417857
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi6AFBVV95cUxQbWw1ZVR4cXZ0aTlKc3V4WVlCR1AxNU1ZMlNZcXNWSmtJQUhHMUk0b2dBaF9xZU1qd0tkQUFjZFR6TGRrNU02cG9OdFJEb2ZBX3lhaFNaUjBkWjBhdDhELW9SemtPYzlqMGh6MnFPdWdVeGNnX0ptdDI4QzJtUlh5RF9zdkxDS0tiVzFiQ0pRQ2NxcnlvX1dFajZBbUt4d1BhVjc3U0VCYURHTXZkTUdtaWJ6SlFwVTBnSTRKdjBTdUI5OEQ4OHJCQjhCRVdGTFlwMzhKZ1ZoR0E3Y1Vqd3pTTGdhUlRuMTVR?oc=5
                    [description] => Pilot, two children survive night on airplane's wing after crash into icy Alaska lake  Detroit News
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944338
                    [extra] => 0

            [51] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump Signs Fresh Batch of Executive Orders on Treasury, Election Integrity
                    [sha] => 1689924437
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/25/trump-signs-fresh-batch-of-executive-orders-on-treasury-election-integrity/
                    [description] => President Donald Trump signed four executive orders on Tuesday, ranging from modernizing payments systems in the Department of the Treasury to election integrity measures to suspensions of security clearances. The post Trump Signs Fresh Batch of Executive Orders on Treasury, Election Integrity appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944293
                    [extra] => 0

            [52] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump FDA pick clears last hurdle after flipping vaccine question on Dem in confirmation hearing
                    [sha] => 105169691
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-fda-pick-clears-last-hurdle-after-flipping-vaccine-question-dem-confirmation-hearing
                    [description] => Fox News contributor Dr. Marty Makary cleared the final hurdle to a final confirmation vote on Tuesday, inching closer to leading Trump's FDA.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944223
                    [extra] => 0

            [53] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Giants make big move, bring in former Seattle Seahawks quarterback in free agency
                    [sha] => 379011066
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiyAFBVV95cUxNMGdrZW1LZldJdHB5c0F4UEVrMFVMNFBaSHJqU3FNalhENlp6cFFOOFFPUDNPcE1UNlg1YkM0MVZhY1p5T09oQ0NPSTEweEpXUWJrWjFnaUtkOEF4VmtMelgycUtfWkxyQVFCSjNSUHJUZ2xJUVVvYkVmODA4Wm1CcWNYanMzenJ3VG5uTDhTeDU1a0VaMHlWNS1RSEY2eGY3ZzVQVTlzdmxGRzVGODBIQWpJUmRXNXFUbXExWV9UUmFEX1VncHZQQQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Giants make big move, bring in former Seattle Seahawks quarterback in free agency  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944085
                    [extra] => 0

            [54] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Giants make big move, bring in former Seahawks quarterback in free agency
                    [sha] => 893126953
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiyAFBVV95cUxNMGdrZW1LZldJdHB5c0F4UEVrMFVMNFBaSHJqU3FNalhENlp6cFFOOFFPUDNPcE1UNlg1YkM0MVZhY1p5T09oQ0NPSTEweEpXUWJrWjFnaUtkOEF4VmtMelgycUtfWkxyQVFCSjNSUHJUZ2xJUVVvYkVmODA4Wm1CcWNYanMzenJ3VG5uTDhTeDU1a0VaMHlWNS1RSEY2eGY3ZzVQVTlzdmxGRzVGODBIQWpJUmRXNXFUbXExWV9UUmFEX1VncHZQQQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Giants make big move, bring in former Seahawks quarterback in free agency  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944085
                    [extra] => 0

            [55] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 'Plain sloppiness': Sen. Mark Warner says on Signal chat fiasco
                    [sha] => 2380195436
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/25/nx-s1-5340738/virginia-senator-interview-war-plans-signal-leak
                    [description] => During a heated Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Tuesday, Sen. Mark Warner described the actions of the nation's top intelligence officials as "sloppy, careless, incompetent behavior.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742944027
                    [extra] => 0

            [56] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Mandy Moore Says She's 'Looking Forward to Rebuilding' After Just
                    [sha] => 2266233166
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi0wFBVV95cUxQeDNmcnQ0b3d5STVTLTVMY3RyWFJsTHRuMDV5REE5aFFHU3RBVVR0MTZaWk8zVTRuQjNGY0lGTW5Ka0FydXRYWmNtZUZDa1dWNHVuZmh6RjNsZ1lVU0lrNTJQUVkyTFpKNlJYaHZsaHVtY1pkTU4zN3pTOW9pVWZ1enk1YlczLUZFRFdkM1pYbFdRQU43RUllLXNhZW90MUJhQ0szOV9xcUh4STRmTUo4SzZVOUpMOFRKU0JvaVp1N3pjU2tzOUM4SjVjenZNa0kzNlEw?oc=5
                    [description] => Mandy Moore Says She's 'Looking Forward to Rebuilding' After Just-Completed L.A. Home Was Lost to Fires  PEOPLE
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742943766
                    [extra] => 0

            [57] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Former Seahawks QB Russell Wilson reportedly finds new home with Giants
                    [sha] => 3435518588
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiuAFBVV95cUxNNkxtUWgzQnFSZUpzM2JOTWViZ19Fay1zOTZiX3A0WFdvM1ZfUDhtbklSaVFTSnh1S1IyVll0bllicEVmUV9wRlo5MWJvUFV5Z2w0NTlnMTdqYS1oQVlGaXRjQTY2a0xyWUlkVVk1aTN4elpRbW94cEdHdU9mQm1aa2xydjBGQ0VDVTNkTTNBSExIZlFTcTg3SnZXQ3lrZncwT1J5OUhJakdLUi1uNmVXOUozZ1RXLXR1?oc=5
                    [description] => Former Seahawks QB Russell Wilson reportedly finds new home with Giants  The Seattle Times
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742943739
                    [extra] => 0

            [58] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Republican lawmakers seek to put PBS and NPR in the hot seat
                    [sha] => 237550631
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/25/nx-s1-5340686/pbs-npr-congress-hearing-marjorie-taylor-greene
                    [description] => A House subcommittee led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and named after Elon Musk's government-efficiency team has set its sights on the public broadcasters.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742943710
                    [extra] => 0

            [59] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Suspect accused of stabbing Texas man 55 times identified by bloody shoe print
                    [sha] => 2753091617
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/suspect-accused-stabbing-texas-man-55-times-identified-bloody-shoe-print
                    [description] => A Dallas man is accused of stabbing a person he was helping to move 55 times before fleeing from police in a stolen car.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742943637
                    [extra] => 0

            [60] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Could San Francisco Giants Really Have Best Bullpen in MLB per MLB Insider?
                    [sha] => 3877213812
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiwAFBVV95cUxOVEhVMVpmWE5uQ3VaOFpmSFNFT2lpYkFPSWp0TUpBSktKOUUyTlRTeHF3Q1BidGVVSlExdGFnVUxZNVk3Zjl4dFpCZWxPT1c5ZWV6NGx2SHc4UTVtaE5LcUs3M2tqdWE5aFpIcVhKME5WQTR6VnBvQ2JscmVHZlVLODEtY2tZZE5uM2RMY3RDamhjNFJURHJDQkNyUkxqUjlsdGpGQWxjTmU2UC1SMDU3VlNSS29FTWJmdzNNd29rcHM?oc=5
                    [description] => Could San Francisco Giants Really Have Best Bullpen in MLB per MLB Insider?  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742943601
                    [extra] => 0

            [61] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => It’s Looking More Likely NASA Will Fly the Artemis II Mission
                    [sha] => 3123183817
                    [url] => https://www.wired.com/story/as-preps-continue-its-looking-more-likely-nasa-will-fly-the-artemis-ii-mission/
                    [description] => The core stage of NASA’s Space Launch System is now integrated with the rocket’s twin boosters.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742943600
                    [extra] => 0

            [62] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Oregon State baseball vs. Washington Huskies: Preview, starting lineup, how to watch midweek game
                    [sha] => 3996458965
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                    [description] => Oregon State baseball vs. Washington Huskies: Preview, starting lineup, how to watch midweek game  OregonLive
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742943600
                    [extra] => 0

            [63] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Two key UNC basketball players enter NCAA transfer portal. What that means for Tar Heels
                    [sha] => 281616344
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMifkFVX3lxTE1SNlRyT0h1d1RwQnZMZlhkQ240MjlSa01mYmlKTlJYTnVoczRaZEpub2Fyc21uMmFSNFVhcWhEaDQ1aFNtSG9XTU8wOHJSUGZyT3hZRjhsS3BWOUd4elVYRXMzQ3hUZjJPb1plRVBzakxDWVluenR5WWpId1FEUdIBfkFVX3lxTE1CaFBHNkpQNGNFcUhNMjlKU3FYdGJxamN4RXpRWHhDbFJPZ3ZnVU9YSGd2czBJZjBBY0xwQ0RrczN0TXhiSDJPY0l0dlgwNmJZT0dBMmNyYjJwMk1scU5PSVdUWVlWQ1B4YWEzSlpVTld0aDE5aWNZdmk0NkFWUQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Two key UNC basketball players enter NCAA transfer portal. What that means for Tar Heels  Raleigh News & Observer
                    [category] => 4
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742943273
                    [extra] => 0

            [64] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Scammers claim arrest of WSU athletes, demand money to keep name private
                    [sha] => 1150131437
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMia0FVX3lxTE4wNWc0V0NTc1VYTWlVM1hfbEZOTDVMdEl0c05HVjlIUElobGo5LVRKSDN5OWhJX25lTGhtTFJ5cXNKWjlCVzNxMzItVF85SU9ZWE10VXJ2ZnhDSEF3b3Zmd3hTb3o0bEN4cmZr0gFwQVVfeXFMTlRWdHJnQ0JuVVZXUXp2d0FSUE84MWxrSU5CZ0w3cjkwbU5aNG04QlR3T2V3TUtTdUVVM2FoLWd4ZGRxeDVlc09vb29iMFAxakhtZHRFQndLM1AzSGx4S3hTcHVDZ29YVjBhSXhYY0NyRg?oc=5
                    [description] => Scammers claim arrest of WSU athletes, demand money to keep name private  FOX 13 Seattle
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742943082
                    [extra] => 0

            [65] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Dodgers Veteran Looking to Potentially Leave Organization for MLB Job Elsewhere
                    [sha] => 3800440304
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMixwFBVV95cUxOb0NrTjRJMjUxci1Pd3lha0k1OVNUQ3hGVFdabHBVazQzeWNTejBzb0NhSGt6S0NaUUlteWM2UU8yV3ZCckhJRloyN1E4bVNZX0xsZlFFaGhRd3FILTFSTDRaWWJkZzgzSDBubW5DNGlKdTNySjBlODBDNUZ5dUdMdDJyNXNaNWFnRU9XNVNnQk5vejFFeUVxbG9HN0JyZ0tiUWpWRG5NQkVqV2hrR25sRnNTSkFvNkJmZ0pGR3cxRktGUnNvVkhj?oc=5
                    [description] => Dodgers Veteran Looking to Potentially Leave Organization for MLB Job Elsewhere  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742942750
                    [extra] => 0

            [66] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Pilot, 2 Children Found Alive After Plane Crashes Into Icy Alaska Lake
                    [sha] => 3142838398
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiiAFBVV95cUxNNmcxX0xhQmJrcko2OFBXMHc1VTlJbjE3M3E0Y1FMcG94bUJmN2MyTll2elJjLXBfSzJMcnhHdndIZmU3UTFpZ0g2VnNYQ2N1aW92UXdZSlBvQV9kVThlNnJfQ2NBZmh0Ml9PNFBjejVJV0RtcXpaZEVVclQ0TllOcjRCZTZ6Y3BI0gGOAUFVX3lxTFBPT0MzTGlfRC1RSEFHQWNONlhKNTNpT3R6ZU13SGZ1V2lEaG1sODV6SlI2OUN3Wjh6TndIcEMzek9yWVAzZFRJZEV2ZnkzT0p5R1JKTGwtTHRrZWlzT2o0bGVIZEJqUUFxQ2hpOHlKNm5pUzN3b2RBVVhuM0l0M2ZRNUxOLXA4ZmhFSG5HUXc?oc=5
                    [description] => Pilot, 2 Children Found Alive After Plane Crashes Into Icy Alaska Lake  HuffPost
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742942525
                    [extra] => 0

            [67] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Drayer: What the Mariners’ roster brings north for 2025 season
                    [sha] => 579997746
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitwFBVV95cUxOeWhaZnFucjJZcnlsZ3FQekxnc2VLN1lKaUVSUjJGZklrSDAwMk82bFhWcGFMeXlkOWxuSmhiRkI3TGNCVXJqMFVfLTdvQjlFMUNfUG82Ui1HWUtyTXRSQmU5TlZYTEx3cnpMMlYyMDg2TENveTh3VHVXOGdpaElXeHlFVUtrVEVYWWdQT3h5Y0xxckwtTmlZUkpRMjhhOFZmUjBUUFdCNVFYMHhIeTRyaGUwamZJSjQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Drayer: What the Mariners’ roster brings north for 2025 season  Seattle Sports
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742942389
                    [extra] => 0

            [68] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Read the email Jack Dorsey sent when he cut 931 of Block’s staff
                    [sha] => 4236564645
                    [url] => https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/25/read-the-email-jack-dorsey-sent-when-he-cut-931-of-blocks-staff/
                    [description] => Block just laid off 931 employees. Read the email from its co-founder Jack Dorsey for more details on why.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742942345
                    [extra] => 0

            [69] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => First confirmed case of measles in Washington, D.C. investigated by health officials
                    [sha] => 2086912417
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipwFBVV95cUxOYW1MV0ZaZVdJWEUzUlU0RUU3TGZlb3dLejZBYzl3Xzd5TXVrSnQ0eDhQeXB0ZVlNbGg2djMwNUJYVElUWXVqdkdpalA2U2NrTVZXV0EtWjVwa2gzN245bTRtVUZ3TGd0eEhnbVltZjNJM1JsaFN0T3Q4cWltNXVEdUg5OE83a1MyeVZTRHhnNzNNWWs3R1hESnNIREZHWTk2anJkUmFkc9IBrAFBVV95cUxPYVVTSkNNb0NEZm96T0w2aDhzR2N4MHVtMDBRRFhRUi02MXBmSDU4TFZtVk1GLTJTUGNEYWJmZHBWbjZvNktaZlVZeXpXTDhIQ1kyUHphRGo0MTdVTzJ6WGtuTkRlWWN4NDZXYVVURFhzM0k1bEpmZ0tESkJlTi1PcVBBRHpkRWxlbU51Y2VnOVVhSjdwUkM2REoyNWlDOG5jSXJXT0ptMm5EbHJa?oc=5
                    [description] => First confirmed case of measles in Washington, D.C. investigated by health officials  Fox News
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742942340
                    [extra] => 0

            [70] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump's pick to lead NIH, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, confirmed by Senate in party
                    [sha] => 1980475986
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trumps-pick-lead-nih-dr-jay-bhattacharya-confirmed-senate-near-party-line-vote
                    [description] => The United States Senate gave its final stamp of approval for the nomination of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya as the next NIH director Tuesday evening.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742942164
                    [extra] => 0

            [71] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump administration cuts national database tracking domestic terrorism
                    [sha] => 246389167
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilAFBVV95cUxNeXBtUnJnektWYmdEWV9IME1aNWM1V2FXeUZKcnYybTlEblEyS3RtLTZRcUU3U1FNQWF6Q2haWEx0Zl95d2pucGRYVzJGUU1yRTdxdHlTSWxqR09faGZ3SXktdkVkT2NXSlBwYUtnRllleDhEZTNhQWdBbDdYLUE2eHRKUWhER3dBR1A3dTJwOEx3cTJY?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump administration cuts national database tracking domestic terrorism  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742942125
                    [extra] => 0

            [72] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Maryland county sheriff renews efforts to solve serial rape cold case
                    [sha] => 794251766
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/maryland-county-sheriff-renews-efforts-solve-serial-rape-cold-case
                    [description] => Charles County Sheriff's Office detectives in Maryland are asking for the public's help to identify a man accused of raping multiple women from 1996-2003.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742942079
                    [extra] => 0

            [73] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Law firms refuse to represent Trump opponents in the wake of his attacks
                    [sha] => 2721807207
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMidkFVX3lxTE43aDBVQmhHdVFTMXFXSEtjeFlNNFpuY0pWQnAwX2RPY0MtZmEtOUdrT2dBSThXc1MtbDJhcnFLdGFRZVFmclhmbk5halBMaG9OQmo3amZRVjBSY1pBOGMxakdyWG5RMl96TXZDaGFwaG9HQ3ZxSFE?oc=5
                    [description] => Law firms refuse to represent Trump opponents in the wake of his attacks  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742941948
                    [extra] => 0

            [74] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump signs action requiring proof of citizenship for voters, other measures overhauling U.S. elections
                    [sha] => 3729596817
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi1gFBVV95cUxNQmE1bnRYenpGVVZneXlnNHUyT2tpdXRlSFM1bndTUzhxcVRXWlBOMFRSeEg4TnBCMENJQXFUdnZ3WHNYU25UZXpxU0hWWEVLdGNEZjZHajZDY3JqOEFZTVBHRmg2bDFMTXBkNWxWSl9KYzN2U3hCbjdsTzluRF9ZYWl5dHFrM3BYM1Q0S1RPRWxsd3BoeW96UWxjTTRscGJTSTdzLVAyNEJDT0EwUG5TT0JIY1lDSExaeE5Ra2RCUUZ1bWRleDA0SXZIZkVkZzAtaUZqLWVn?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump signs action requiring proof of citizenship for voters, other measures overhauling U.S. elections  PBS NewsHour
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742941813
                    [extra] => 0

            [75] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Declaring Their Party ‘Spineless,’ Democrats Try an Economic Populist Pitch
                    [sha] => 3309966110
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/25/us/politics/new-economic-patriots-house-democrats.html
                    [description] => A group of House Democrats calling themselves the New Economic Patriots introduced themselves on Capitol Hill promising to lead their party out of its funk. It wasn’t clear how they planned to do so.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742941616
                    [extra] => 0

            [76] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump officials refuse to detail deportee flights, citing state secrets
                    [sha] => 1198430043
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMitgFBVV95cUxNQldDMlBkUnhBbnI4bTJDY3RwcEpCUUVLUXRWNW5iOVJJQmZWRGJmRWd4dTBJUFBFQjZnV2UzUV8yR0JGdWlvVkZXQVZvR0RqNEpwUE4tMkY5NXVkM1puLWt3UkZUamtBUWJDZm50dFNBRFhBVlpjOVFVTmhTUkc2UktBY2IwVF80Q3BvUWJ4aDl6YnNONWdxOE9xMzJIbnMwUmVOZXVCX2hxMG5ELUZ3UWRxWkFCdw?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump officials refuse to detail deportee flights, citing state secrets  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742941474
                    [extra] => 0

            [77] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Best Los Angeles Restaurants for Takeout and Delivery, According to Eater Editors
                    [sha] => 3808098552
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiggFBVV95cUxOMVRmXzFFanIzd1dTbll5Ml9jVWxGY3hxdWZacWZiZS1zTzRpN0t1NjB6QkJqS0JyRjBOZDdpQ3F1NV9xTEd4X0ZIY1o0RU9yVFU1aWhhSnBkdzU2UmpyNzZpRmc0N25HcDJscEI3TWhJdURXajcxbVZZV3RMNm1uSWxR?oc=5
                    [description] => Best Los Angeles Restaurants for Takeout and Delivery, According to Eater Editors  Eater LA
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742941351
                    [extra] => 0

            [78] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Los Angeles Dodgers and SeatGeek Announce Partnership Agreement
                    [sha] => 968723614
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipAFBVV95cUxNVFZhd1RMVVJFbnpZdHExM1ZKN2VEWTVzblpoVl9DbWxLX0dMVVN2di1XUnpiQjFZU3JHOE84bWZoLWNRS1NUR3pKbmNqSE5QRWk5SFNXWGlSeFBtb2hEZ1Q1RE5kTHl2aFUzVnl4ZDEwM2NhWlRUc2NVNko5NUNDTXFHLURqN2VMUENYdHdNQWpJdllKQXE2TEdWLVc5UGFrSmtKTNIBvAFBVV95cUxOYzlldjFnT0xjWU1IaXozV19LdW1od01NcV9nbFNacVd5Q3p4dDJTZzdZV1prM0lNRk9mV2dsYVRFUVJYaWdXSEZvM3RjaGxGTzBtT3ZZOFQ3YWJ4eFRZbkU1UG9PVGgzQkl6UlNQNlExak5fRkxZMlN0VHJkNFJXSWMtbER2NGpiNHhBN25LRVd3YzVXS215LXJDVU45bG9BVktTRENaQ0hjMzBMdWsxRVVUbV84WGFJR00tNQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Los Angeles Dodgers and SeatGeek Announce Partnership Agreement  MLB.com
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742941152
                    [extra] => 0

            [79] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => News | Global warehouse developer expands into data centers with Los Angeles debut
                    [sha] => 2789902454
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiuAFBVV95cUxNakhwWXQyTmM5anhtVGluX1lVdEMtaEhjeHV1dmUyT2JEU3F4Q2NvbjdYZmlWRF9vR0RGSjJYdlJndERTbEhEMUR0Vmd2YjZ0TnBtbGFPeWFrQi1iVjlZY1BiSVVTU0RWaWF2ejl0aW5fdXY3RUZ2bzhudWh5cWhHUzZrSzZndEYxRjhWQkNDOE9uT1dvcFBFUGI1azgtSFgyb1U5S0lhM0V6aDlFOU9zRm1QZ20ySzY5?oc=5
                    [description] => News | Global warehouse developer expands into data centers with Los Angeles debut  CoStar Group
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742940749
                    [extra] => 0

            [80] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trump orders states to require proof of citizenship in federal elections
                    [sha] => 4091363295
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijgFBVV95cUxQX1FrVXZWVlBKakZmeURZdHNxaDd5T1gzYzhGT1ozN3JDVi1mdEhBOVZKcnZ6T0VNR05ubUlIZzM4UF8tRUwtQkd2TkxzTldPcXVyYy1JcW1NMmlkb3RtOWltVEZUVzR2eDlEYWxydlJNdGtNc0Y4U2pfUXBIdU1oQ1h3R3hpendFV2xSNHlR?oc=5
                    [description] => Trump orders states to require proof of citizenship in federal elections  The Washington Post
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742940626
                    [extra] => 0

            [81] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Leak of Signal Chat Poses Early Test for F.B.I. and Justice Dept.
                    [sha] => 2340229511
                    [url] => https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/25/us/politics/doj-fbi-signal-leak.html
                    [description] => Whether the agencies open an investigation will bring into sharp relief the intended approach of their leaders, Kash Patel and Pam Bondi, who promised to administer impartial justice.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742940513
                    [extra] => 0

            [82] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Stock futures are little changed after S&P 500 notches three
                    [sha] => 2894602359
                    [url] => https://news.google.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?oc=5
                    [description] => Stock futures are little changed after S&P 500 notches three-day win streak: Live updates  NBC Los Angeles
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742940184
                    [extra] => 0

            [83] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => San Francisco's 420 Hippie Hill event not happening for second straight year
                    [sha] => 2304564704
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiekFVX3lxTE9sZG1ZNGFuUHpHYXJ3MUlGQ09US2NXUkFqcWlJajF6aHNrVGk5MjBoOU1GeFUtRW43REVfUkhCRTlIeTV2OC1LLXJxM05ocVlaZWxKZUdCazBRX0t0b1Q3QUJiczJMN2drMENibUNWS0NpYmVhUmhYOXVn0gF_QVVfeXFMTlhHRnhWTTIyVDBuYlVjM0JmSDN1QzJSX2dkdlEtMEw1YVZNOHdHcU10SGl0LVItX0J0Y2dpaWIyYkc0OEg0SE5XU2ZfSmVaT09DeUItbDRaRElhNi1FMExlajdPckM1T1ZvVHJQYUd0MkhzRUFvNVBiRmRGaFVTTQ?oc=5
                    [description] => San Francisco's 420 Hippie Hill event not happening for second straight year  KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742940077
                    [extra] => 0

            [84] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Washington Park Zoo to open for its 97th season this weekend
                    [sha] => 3074734605
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMifkFVX3lxTE9ZNDgyaGJlWXFUcnFtZlZjMnIwVEJ3dUpLU0d0WFlZS0FGd2lPc0c5dVBiXzM1TzZPeGNraEpZVHhGck41dDcxX1hNY1hfODIwRlRHY1oyODlFam1xXy14dFpzeW1qOXhQWEFDZHVqQ1VUT2NaZzlGaS1CR3MzQdIBkgFBVV95cUxPU3dRanRhaTl5YUQzaTVmTlRCU044SW42dzAwZWFTWjlEcTQ5Wl96UnlIQ0duVTNuLUFYSk9VYnpJVHZCbG9NNmJyQ1lfbnRpbm9Xc205VU00NmswTzdTMUUwWE1OTVZNMlZndTdGTW9GT2ZPOGVzb0s0N3hSdXVvWnhYaFZnVm1fOWl5ZVVCdTQ0UQ?oc=5
                    [description] => Washington Park Zoo to open for its 97th season this weekend  WNDU
                    [category] => 2
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742940060
                    [extra] => 0

            [85] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Months after cyclist killed in Cambridge, prosecutors seek criminal charges against driver
                    [sha] => 4181852058
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2025/03/25/months-after-cyclist-killed-in-cambridge-prosecutors-seek-criminal-charges-against-driver/
                    [description] => Prosecutors have submitted an application for a criminal complaint after State Police completed a collision analysis investigation. The driver was not identified. The post Months after cyclist killed in Cambridge, prosecutors seek criminal charges against driver appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742940047
                    [extra] => 0

            [86] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Los Angeles Angels Top Prospect to Join Amazing History of the Last 25 Years
                    [sha] => 3988439217
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi3gFBVV95cUxNdzZSTkJMaGt0YUVkNkZfU3F2cEFDbFBtcXFuZ1AzaTNzYnl6bi1WOUJuaXlwa21uQ0tjdlptc1l2YWhIR0ZfZnl4NEx6VmN4M1JZalgzN1M0c0pUVndPc0FyN2VUV05RemVraXAwSTVTQnd4NENSeHBUczhuV3V6bFFUb3F6cnJkd1hzQ3A5NFgxeVhmYnhYaDVnSllaeUZTQTJvYVZWTmFSdGtHeVpWN0FheFdsMUViWTJZS2lyRWZ5ZE0tOGRBb0lra0h4RmxqVG5URHFNNTBQaE14VFE?oc=5
                    [description] => Los Angeles Angels Top Prospect to Join Amazing History of the Last 25 Years  Sports Illustrated
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742939670
                    [extra] => 0

            [87] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Mina Shirakawa Reportedly Set to Exit STARDOM, Move to United States
                    [sha] => 3005059812
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiigFBVV95cUxQRkUtOHpoRlBQRk1KeVp3cl9fODZwNDRHb2N6UDZvSlM3QXlUb1AtQzM1cmMyTlhneXFPUWtHZmNEOHBRVkdabExRVVdaX0lIbkdEYnhONDBQY0ptUVRtQlhfM3prb1VyUjZKQnEwRmwxWFkyVG9NR2tWb3RwOEFVOXFkZGM1TEEwRnc?oc=5
                    [description] => Mina Shirakawa Reportedly Set to Exit STARDOM, Move to United States  411mania.com
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742939619
                    [extra] => 0

            [88] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => ‘Don’t love it’ – Los Angeles Rams star makes surprising retirement plan in prime of his career...
                    [sha] => 4273127360
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimgFBVV95cUxOSUxxcnhlbE92cHBWQ0VRX1RJem90emVDaFJjMXotTVByRDBQQjFCLWJRM2c0ZDJScVItLVJiM05jQ2F2b19rNU92RUEzdi1VQ0NTR2JqR2RVSk01cUNwRkF3bzVpODhKWi1YY1pFekxfQ3V3M1hYRWI0WloycV8zc3BjUzdkaERiNFpGN25iZllobzNsbV9LbUFn0gGfAUFVX3lxTE1PSmlsTXZLMm1JN1llVUtNdW0xSXh0bGpXSHVpUGZRVDl5aElwSDZvRmVYR2labjFSWnFpOUlOUGNGWFJlenJ0ZVZqTHM4Y0o1M3Bjd3J4bThkc2pzd2pvaUtXakhocmlKV2pRb3ZZTGRYTEZ1Vm0wdkx6Zi03alZoY05tZHEteWtEYno1SDJYNlRsZXZhU1JaWVpjVHBGUQ?oc=5
                    [description] => ‘Don’t love it’ – Los Angeles Rams star makes surprising retirement plan in prime of his career...  talkSPORT
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742939411
                    [extra] => 0

            [89] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => SF officials see path for congestion pricing after NYC charges drivers
                    [sha] => 402850555
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiggFBVV95cUxPZXdmLUlmVGItbGtnaERSZlNETWxqTzNrSEVnVy1lZDZQMV9PMTBLMTRDaVk3Y0FEd3hXZWhCNzhJSGVfbE5UZjZxcU03TlZxZU5Vc0MxSTN1TEx5NldYVTlWa1JVQ2lhSjhJalV0blU1ZlpiV3RxRFBxSGZObVJRMFpn?oc=5
                    [description] => SF officials see path for congestion pricing after NYC charges drivers  The San Francisco Standard
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742939265
                    [extra] => 0

            [90] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Congestion pricing in SF? Officials see hope after NYC charges drivers
                    [sha] => 3121739648
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiggFBVV95cUxPZXdmLUlmVGItbGtnaERSZlNETWxqTzNrSEVnVy1lZDZQMV9PMTBLMTRDaVk3Y0FEd3hXZWhCNzhJSGVfbE5UZjZxcU03TlZxZU5Vc0MxSTN1TEx5NldYVTlWa1JVQ2lhSjhJalV0blU1ZlpiV3RxRFBxSGZObVJRMFpn?oc=5
                    [description] => Congestion pricing in SF? Officials see hope after NYC charges drivers  The San Francisco Standard
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742939265
                    [extra] => 0

            [91] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Vrabel: Drake Maye ‘large part of the reason’ why he joined Patriots
                    [sha] => 950796225
                    [url] => https://www.boston.com/sports/new-england-patriots/2025/03/25/vrabel-drake-maye-large-part-of-the-reason-why-he-joined-patriots/
                    [description] => "I think you have pretty much everything in the playbook that you could possibly want available." The post Vrabel: Drake Maye ‘large part of the reason’ why he joined Patriots appeared first on Boston.com.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742939148
                    [extra] => 0

            [92] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Trey Lance, former quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers, is in serious trouble with his NFL career
                    [sha] => 2527067817
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijAFBVV95cUxPRlR0ZkJGR1Y2ZE5KSlpKWjc0QWxCaXlKeEw1TEM0Vll0OVFfMVM2TXZGSFB0UEVMeU43MVlna2U5WUNSNDRmNkNZMnMwMERycExvZjRIelVKMnYtSkcxRDh5bUdZMWhMb1BtdVFSbm83T09sRkFjY1VWRUt1LXJMQS1KZGRwUDZHVmhLTdIBjAFBVV95cUxOcmwzYkl4c3hFTGxWNldtNXczeUl6ZG01elMyOS1xMTFZM1dpNjFBbG1jZU1kd2JHcG9pZEVwaW1JT0V0LWJxYS1WMThzVl9Zc3U3U18tTTExcl83X2M5S1h5QXc4UXZHUmplYTdFRTNRZzdSWTY3VWx0V09wVUdPNVlUQXJYZDdWWDF0Qg?oc=5
                    [description] => Trey Lance, former quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers, is in serious trouble with his NFL career  Marca English
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742938939
                    [extra] => 0

            [93] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Two Mexican Nationals, One with HIV, Accused of Sexually Assaulting 14
                    [sha] => 91867784
                    [url] => https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/03/25/two-mexican-nationals-accused-sexually-assaulting-14-year-old-boy-miami-bound-cruise-ship/
                    [description] => Two Mexican nationals are accused of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy on board a cruise ship bound for Miami, Florida. The post Two Mexican Nationals, One with HIV, Accused of Sexually Assaulting 14-Year-Old Boy on Miami-Bound Cruise Ship appeared first on Breitbart.
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742938915
                    [extra] => 0

            [94] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Columbia University student protester sues Trump admin to prevent deportation
                    [sha] => 2936033267
                    [url] => https://www.foxnews.com/us/columbia-university-student-protester-sues-trump-admin-prevent-deportation
                    [description] => A Columbia University student has sued President Trump and other administration officials after they attempted to revoke her permanent resident status and remove her.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742938899
                    [extra] => 0

            [95] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => News | San Francisco investor buys into growing East Bay tech hub with office takeover
                    [sha] => 3493879453
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivgFBVV95cUxPb0QwUWpLRi1UbzRnRUVTUHdPX1FLMlhjS1BYeldKSENQdU9xdWJtT3ZTWjBqQml5TVJnRGJ3bWVKTnA3b2J3Rk14ZDBaR0Zud1oyWTNoQzZsM01PTmZYMndQTC0ybEFoS3VQd0I0QkxZVFhJNDU1blVpalFqR01wYUxYMXJDMTZkYVBXdzJEMFJORnhiVUJFb0JuZ0szMHA3dUlqb3h6aTVVOUdlOU9faG9mb0V3d25xc1ZiSklB?oc=5
                    [description] => News | San Francisco investor buys into growing East Bay tech hub with office takeover  CoStar Group
                    [category] => 3
                    [featured] => 1
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742938575
                    [extra] => 0

            [96] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Here's what 23andMe filing for bankruptcy could mean for your data
                    [sha] => 1666585184
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/25/nx-s1-5339950/heres-what-23andme-filing-for-bankruptcy-could-mean-for-your-data
                    [description] => NPR's Juana Summers talks with John Verdi, senior vice president for policy at the Future of Privacy Forum, about 23andMe's bankruptcy filing and what a potential sale could mean for customers' data.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742938574
                    [extra] => 0

            [97] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => Wisconsin's Supreme Court race is revealing how voters feel about Trump's term so far
                    [sha] => 739381552
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/25/nx-s1-5336312/wisconsins-supreme-court-race-is-revealing-how-voters-feel-about-trumps-term-so-far
                    [description] => The race for one seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court has become a test of how voters are feeling about President Trump's first months in office. It's also broken judicial race fundraising records.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742938562
                    [extra] => 0

            [98] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => The flu is still going around Washington. It’s not too late to get your shot
                    [sha] => 3223631711
                    [url] => https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiogFBVV95cUxNWTNIcndRbk0tUzRVV1ZHQmF1NVdBV3BYNEFCOHFZNG5kcGxTQ1pUYXkwTk9PU1E5bWZ1YldhMlFpdTdXX0czM1dZSXY0VzJUYnNqYjIxbTNfT3ZFTHJxQms1a0hndkJWdGJ4MnFaVXJlSlJUYTllRVozal84VFF0c0VQSV9INlM4TzBPMXVCMVM0dk9ZR3lleWVWQzV4VmJ3WHc?oc=5
                    [description] => The flu is still going around Washington. It’s not too late to get your shot  KUOW News and Information
                    [category] => 5
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742938559
                    [extra] => 0

            [99] => Array
                    [iso] => US
                    [title] => 'Tilt' is the story of an epic journey following a catastrophic quake
                    [sha] => 1689940250
                    [url] => https://www.npr.org/2025/03/25/nx-s1-5088116/tilt-is-the-story-of-an-epic-journey-following-a-catastrophic-quake
                    [description] => NPR's Mary Louise Kelly talks with Emma Pattee. Her debut novel, Tilt, is about a devastating earthquake in the Pacific Northwest, and one pregnant woman's quest to get back home after it.
                    [category] => 1
                    [featured] => 0
                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1742938541
                    [extra] => 0


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