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„Economia Rusiei arată primele semne de răcire”. Ce motive de îngrijorare are Guvernul de la Moscova

Economia Rusiei arată primele semne de răcire, vânzările și comenzile înregistrând scăderi în diverse sectoare, din cauza inflației și a dobânzilor ridicate, a afirmat luni ministrul Economiei de la Moscova, Maxim Reshetnikov, citat de agenția…

The Russian economy is showing initial signs of cooling, with declining sales and orders across various sectors due to inflation and high interest rates. Russian Economic Minister Maxim Reshetnikov stated that the government is working with the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance to balance inflation reduction and economic growth. The Central Bank has maintained the reference rate at 21%, sparking criticism from businesses, while revising its 2025 inflation forecast to 7-8% from 4.5-5%, with a target return to 4% by 2026. The economic challenges are exacerbated by Western sanctions imposed after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which have impacted Russian assets. The government acknowledges the risks and is seeking to stabilize the situation.

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