2 w. ago
New Toronto restaurant explains how they can afford to sell steak frites for $20
While steak frites — and all steak-based dishes, really — tend to occupy the upper end of one's budget, a new restaurant in Toronto is serving them for just $20, and no, there's no catch.French cuisine seems to be all the rage in Toronto these days. Restaurants like Cafe Renee and La Plume shot immediately to the top of the you-gotta-eat-here lists of many upon their openings last year, while standards like Le Select and Cafe Boulud remain super powers on the city's culinary scene.For me, though I have been known to down a plate of escargot in record time, French cuisine took a little warming up to. But what better gateway dish than steak frites?Impeccably simple, the dish — which, as its name would suggest, consists typically solely of steak and frites — lends itself to total interpretation on the part of the chef.At Sauvignon Bistro in the Beaches, the steak is smothered with Pommerey mustard and caramelized onions, while at Co...