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Fostul număr 2 mondial, dezvăluiri incredibile despre un fan: „Avea o față de om obsedat, care are o tulburare mintală serioasă”

După cazul de hărțuire al Emmei Răducanu, Alex Corretja (50 de ani), fost număr 2 mondial, a vorbit despre o situație din perioada în care evolua, când a fost urmărit de un bărbat, care era prezent la toate meciurile sale și venea adesea la hotelurile în care era cazat spaniolul. ...

Alex Corretja, a former world No. 2 tennis player, has shared a disturbing account of being stalked by a fan during his career. The fan attended all of Corretja's matches, visited his hotels, and sent letters and photos for him to sign. Corretja described the man as having "the face of a fixated person with a serious mental disorder." While no serious incident occurred, Corretja emphasized the lack of security for athletes, especially in individual sports. He also referenced the 1993 incident where Monica Seles was stabbed by a fan, an event he said deeply impacted him. The story comes after recent reports of a fan approaching Emma Raducanu during a match in Dubai.

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