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Viktor Orban îi face jocul lui Trump: ”Ungurii vor decide dacă Ucraina poate adera la UE / Va deveni din nou o zonă tampon”

Ungaria va fi cea care va decide dacă Ucraina este capabilă să îşi împlinească visul de a adera la Uniunea Europeană în viitor, a declarat sâmbătă, 22 februarie, premierul ungar Viktor Orban, potrivit AP.

Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, has stated that Hungary will decide whether Ukraine can join the European Union (EU) in the future. He described Ukraine as a buffer zone between Russia and NATO, asserting that it will remain such a zone after the war ends, regardless of its aspirations to join NATO. Orban emphasized that Ukraine will not become a NATO member and that its accession to the EU would negatively impact Hungary's economy. He also criticized the USAID for allegedly funding liberal causes in Hungary and promised to eliminate such organizations. Orban, a close ally of former U.S. President Donald Trump, supports Trump's administration's actions, including the abolition of USAID in Hungary.

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