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Grantiņa ekipāžai Eiropas kausa posmā bobslejā desmitā vieta četriniekos

LETA. Latvijas ekipāža ar pilotu Renāru Grantiņu un stūmējiem Edgaru Unguru, Edgaru Nemmi un Mairi Kļavu sestdien Vinterbergas ledus trasē Eiropas kausa posmā bobslejā izcīnīja desmito vietu četrinieku sacensībās.

Latvian bobsleigh team, led by pilot Renāra Grantiņa and including brakemen Edgar Ungur, Edgar Nemms, and Mairis Kļavs, secured 10th place in the four-man competition at the European Cup event in Winterberg. The victory went to the German team piloted by Maxilian Ilmann, who finished in 1 minute and 49.54 seconds. Latvia's team achieved the 10th and 8th fastest starts in their two runs, finishing 10th overall in the competition of 16 teams, 2.19 seconds behind the winners. The season concludes with Latvia returning to the top 10 in the World Cup standings.

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