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Hasto Siap Hadiri Pemeriksaan KPK Besok, Soroti Praperadilan dan Intimidasi Saksi

JPNN.com, JAKARTA - Sekretaris Jenderal PDI Perjuangan Hasto Kristiyanto menyampaikan komitmennya untuk patuh terhadap proses hukum yang tengah berlangsung. Ia memastikan akan hadir dalam pemeriksaan oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) pada Kamis (20/2).

Hasto Kristiyanto, the Secretary-General of PDIP, has confirmed his attendance at a KPK examination the following day, emphasizing his commitment to the legal process. He has raised concerns regarding irregularities in a pre-trial hearing, including witness intimidation. Hasto's legal team, led by Ronny Talapessy, will accompany him and reiterate their pre-trial requests. Additionally, the KPK is conducting investigations into other cases, including those involving the mining sector in Bengkulu and a former governor of Riau.

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