8 d. ago
The big picture: Newsha Tavakolian spotlights the Iranian singers silenced by Islamic law
This powerful portrait – an imaginary album cover – depicts one of many female Iranian vocalists banned from performing after the 1979 revolutionThe Iranian photographer Newsha Tavakolian began her career as a photojournalist but, one after another, the publications in which her pictures appeared in Tehran were banned. In 2002, she switched her focus from news to art, though the boundaries between the two are porous. She took this photograph in 2011 as part of a project that featured professional Iranian female singers who, since the 1979 revolution, had been banned from performing or recording solo because of the regime’s interpretation of Islamic law.Tavakolian made images of the singers as if they were in recording studios, mouthing their words or, as she described it, “performing in their mind in front of a large audience”; she also made imaginary album covers, like this one, for her muted divas. “For me,” she said, “a woman’s voice represents a power that if you silence it, imb...