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Israelul aprobă prelungirea temporară a armistițiului din Fâșia Gaza la propunerea SUA

Guvernul israelian a aprobat, duminică, o prelungire temporară a încetării focului în Gaza pentru următoarele șase săptămâni, pentru perioadele Ramadanului şi Paştelui evreiesc, potrivit BBC. Biroul premierului Benjamin Netanyahu a făcut anunțul la scurt timp…

Israel has approved a temporary extension of the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, proposed by the United States, to last six weeks, covering the periods of Ramadan and the Jewish Passover. The decision was made following a proposal by U.S. envoy Steve Wolf, which includes the release of half of the Palestinian prisoners in Gaza, both alive and deceased. Hamas has not publicly commented on the move but previously rejected the idea of extending the ceasefire without addressing broader issues. Negotiations in Cairo to discuss the extension have so far failed to reach an agreement.

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