Israelul ia în considerare prelungirea armistițiului cu Hamas pentru a-i aduce acasă pe cei 63 de ostatici rămași, în timp ce amână discuțiile despre viitorul enclavei Gaza, au declarat oficialii israelieni, citați de Reuters. Acordul…
Israel considers extending the first phase of the ceasefire with Hamas to bring back its remaining 63 soldiers, while negotiations for a long-term agreement remain stalled. The initial ceasefire, brokered by the U.S., Egypt, and Qatar, is set to expire on Saturday. Israel is cautious about extending the truce without addressing contentious issues like Palestinian prisoners and Gaza's future governance. U.S. envoy Stevewitkoff is expected to continue mediating, but no major breakthroughs are anticipated. Hamas demands the release of over 600 Palestinian prisoners, while Israel accuses Hamas of violating the ceasefire by publicly displaying the remains of Israeli soldiers. The situation remains uncertain, with potential for renewed conflict or a stalemate.