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Japa syndrome and mental health: A reader’s experience and insights for building mental health resilience

Tribune Online Japa syndrome and mental health: A reader’s experience and insights for building mental health resilience   Breaking Point: The first time I broke down was during a snowstorm in the final days of 2021. It was my first Christmas alone in years and it hit me that I would be alone for New Year’s Day and also miss my daughter’s birthday in January. The COVID-19-related isolation of the preceding months […] Japa syndrome and mental health: A reader’s experience and insights for building mental health resilience Tribune Online

A Nigerian professional in Canada shares their experience navigating mental health challenges related to "Japa syndrome" (migration), emphasizing the importance of acknowledging vulnerabilities, finding supportive communities and professionals, understanding resilience as a journey, and being mindful of social media and drug use. They encourage fellow immigrants to proactively seek help and recognize the psychological impact of migration.

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