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Krawall im Parlament: Bundestag soll sich besser gegen Pöbler wappnen

Die AfD hat die meisten Ordnungsrufe kassiert. Nun ist sie mit 152 Abgeordneten im neuen Bundestag vertreten. Andere Parteien machen sich Sorgen, dass das Klima noch vergifteter werden könnte. Sie wollen höhere Strafgelder.

The German Bundestag faces increased disruptions, particularly from the AfD party, which has expanded from 83 to 152 seats. During a recent debate, AfD leader Alice Weidel criticized the order, leading to a confrontation with Bundestag President Bärbel Bas. To address these disturbances, the Bundestag is considering higher fines for disruptions, with a proposal for mandatory fines after three order violations within three weeks. Additionally, the CDU/CSU is pushing for a Bundestag Police Law to safeguard against extremist influences, emphasizing the need for respect and dignity within parliamentary proceedings.

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