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L’affaire Amra, illustration de la bonne coopération judiciaire entre la France et le Maroc

La collaboration entre Paris et Rabat connaît un « coup de boost » depuis la fin de la crise bilatérale. L’arrestation de deux Français, complices présumés du narcotrafiquant Mohamed Amra, à Marrakech, en est un exemple, alors que le nombre des commissions rogatoires internationales exécutées au Maroc à la demande de la France augmente.

The arrest of two French nationals suspected of being accomplices of drug trafficker Mohamed Amra in Marrakech highlights strong judicial cooperation between France and Morocco. This follows Amra's capture in Bucharest after nine months on the run, following a prison break that resulted in two deaths. The suspects, born in Normandy, are in retention in Morocco and await extradition to France. The French procureure praised Morocco's role in enhancing bilateral judicial collaboration, noting an increase in international commissions executed in Morocco at France's request, particularly since the end of a 2024 bilateral crisis.

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