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Lidera POT, Anamaria Gavrilă, critică moțiunea de cenzură inițiată de George Simion: „AUR trebuie să

Anamaria Gavrilă, președinta Partidului Oamenilor Liberi (POT), a declarat miercuri că, deși formațiunea sa a semnat moțiunea de cenzură inițiată de AUR, responsabilitatea unui eventual eșec revine exclusiv partidului condus de George Simion.

Anamaria Gavrilă, leader of the Partidul Oamenilor Liberi (POT), criticized the motion of censure initiated by George Simion of AUR. She stated that while POT signed the motion, AUR should bear responsibility for any potential failure. Gavrilă noted that POT received the motion text late and sought to add two supplementary points: one regarding the risks of diplomatic tensions and national security concerns, and another questioning the legitimacy of new elections, supporting only Elena Lasconi and Călin Georgescu as legitimate representatives. She emphasized that AUR must assume the consequences if the motion fails.

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