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Liveticker: Bayern will im Bundesrat für Schuldenpaket stimmen

CSU und Freie Wähler haben sich darauf verständigt +++ Union nominiert Klöckner als Bundestagspräsidentin +++ Dürr will FDP-Parteichef werden +++ alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog

The German Bundestag debated a Schuldenpaket (debt package) with the opposition's motion to reject it failing. Bayern will vote for the package in the Bundesrat. SPD is expected to vote digitally on the coalition agreement. Boris Pistorius, Germany's most popular politician, spoke for the SPD faction. Winfried Kretschmann questioned the reform pressure given the planned constitutional amendment. Sören Pellmann criticized the Union for past joint votes with AfD and accused Merz of irresponsible leadership. Otto Fricke (FDP) delivered his last speech in the Bundestag. To pass the package, Union and SPD may require votes from the Left or AfD.

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