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Liveticker: Bundesverfassungsgericht weist Eilanträge gegen Milliardenpaket ab

Bayern will im Bundesrat für Schuldenpaket stimmen +++ CSU und Freie Wähler haben sich darauf verständigt +++ Union nominiert Klöckner als Bundestagspräsidentin +++ alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog

The Bundestag approved a debt package with a two-thirds majority, supported by the Union, SPD, and Greens, enabling increased investment in infrastructure and defense. Robert Habeck stated that climate protection will not fail due to a lack of funds. The FDP opposed the package and is filing lawsuits to prevent its approval in the Bundesrat. Olaf Scholz celebrated the decision as removing constraints on defense spending, with Macron and NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte also congratulating him on the historic agreement.

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