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Liveticker: Dröge: „Die 100 Milliarden Euro werden einen Unterschied machen“

Merz verkündet Einigung mit SPD und Grünen auf Finanzpaket +++ Grünen-Abgeordnete: Union und SPD müssen von vorne sondieren +++ 100 Milliarden für Klimaschutz, Kompromiss bei Investitions-Formulierung +++ alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog

The German Constitutional Court rejected emergency motions against the reconvening of the old Bundestag, which will vote on a multi-billion Euro financial package for defense and infrastructure. This package includes €100 billion for climate protection. The package aims to strengthen Germany's role in Europe and ensure funds are additional, not used for tax cuts. €100 billion will flow from the special fund for infrastructure into the Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF), with the total special fund remaining at €500 billion. Military aid for Ukraine will be increased by €3 billion.

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