London ebike fire: landlords of ‘grossly overcrowded’ flat fined almost £100,000 The Guardian Economics
Husband and wife landlords Sofina Begum and Aminur Rahman have been fined after a fatal fire at a home in east London, licensed for three people was found to have been occupied by 23 Events
Louis Watkiss, 12, died after he was in a toboggan crash at a SnowDome birthday party in September 2021. Events
SnowDome ski centre in Tamworth, Staffordshire, has been fined £100,000 for health and safety failings after 12-year-old Louis Watkiss died in a collision with a member of staff. Economics
Louis Watkiss died at the SnowDome in Tamworth, Staffordshire, on September 24 2021 - the indoor ski centre has now been fined £100,000 following the 12-year-old's death Events
WARNING - GRAPHIC CONTENT: David Vinsome was hospitalised for nine days after he was crushed by a huge excavation bucket at a shipyard in Sunderland - Midland Steel Traders Ltd has now been fined £100,000 following an investigation Events
Safety risks at Maddocks House in Shadwell came to light after father-of-two Mizanur Rahman, 41, died from the effects of smoke inhalation after an e-bike caught fire in the early hours of March 5 2023. Politics